Chapter 25

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Let the mayhem begin
I'm so ready for you guys to kill me


Waliyha called me to tell me to come over. She said it was important and I would do anything for my family.

I'm on a flight to Bradford to see my sisters, and I think it will be good to reconnect with them. Do they even know about mum? Maybe they do, but they're being strong.

I hope they're okay.

(I'm laughing so hard 'I hope they're okay' bîtch they're dead lmaooo)

I've been on the flight for 6 hours and I have to wait another 6. I can't stand to sleep on planes since they scare me, so I usually stay awake if I can help it.

"Would you like anything to drink, or a snack perhaps?" I look up to see the flight attendant undressing me with her eyes.

"Water would be fine." I say, and she bends over, pushing her breasts out as she grabs a cup to pour water into.

I don't bother to look, I try not to, anyways.

She hands me the water and I mumble a small thank you.

She sighs and walks off.

I think she could use this cup of water more than me. She seemed pretty thirsty.

I drink my water and put it in the cup holder next to me.

*6(66) hours later*

The plane lands, and of course my ears pop, causing a frenzy of fright to pulse through me. I certainly was not ready for that to happen.

I grab my bag, and exit the plane.

I take a taxi and give him the address to my sisters' house.


Once I've arrived at my sisters' house I knock the door, but it opens.

Do they not understand that this isn't like 20 years ago? You can't just leave things unlocked without expecting to be harmed or something.

I walk into the house, and close the door behind me.

"Waliyha?" I call, no answer.

"Doniya?" I call, still no answer.

"Safaa?" I say a little louder, and I am met with silence.

I walk to the kitchen, and through the corner of the living room, I see a hand lying on the floor.

My eyes widen in panic as I go to see who's arm it is.

As I enter the room, I am met with all three of my sisters, dead, on the floor.

"" A string of 'no's leave my mouth as tears fall down my face.

I run my hand through my hair, and I see a small card on the table with my name on it.

I pick up the card, and open it.

'All the fucking love H.'

"FUCK" I scream.

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