Chapter 30

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(Shits about to go down and this chapter is really shitty I'm sorry)


"What do you think Niall, Liam, & Louis are doing right now?" I ask Harry.

"No one knows.. I wonder if they've found out about Zayn and all of this shît that's happened" he says, and I nod agreeing.

A knock on the door sounds, and I run up the stairs to find some socks, my feet cold.

"Tie the son of a bitch up." I hear a familiar voice speak.

"Find Raisa." Another familiar voice says.

Soon, I panic. I have nothing around me to defend myself.

I think quickly to myself, quickly and quietly walking to the bathroom, grabbing the isopropyl alcohol and I dig through the drawer for a lighter that I use for lighting candles.

I pour some of the alcohol in an empty glass cup, ignoring the fact that a cup would be here, and I light the alcohol, creating a blue flame.

I hear the steps heading towards my room, and I grab the small lamp outside the bathroom, taking the hood off of it.

The steps walk into my room, and I stand near the corner of the bathroom, waiting for them to walk near.

As soon as I hear their steps, I quickly turn my body, hitting the person in the head --hard-- with the metal part of the lamp.

The person, now Louis, falling to the floor.

I sigh, putting the cup near him, the carbon monoxide should do its work soon.

I quietly walk out, and I go to Harry's room, looking through the drawers, finding a knife.

I tip toe downstairs, Niall now in my sights.

Why are they here and why do they want us?

I walk towards him, my body hastily shuffling towards him, the knife slitting his through, and I gently drop him to the floor, I feel no regret, they were obviously planning to hurt us. I walk quietly, listening to Liam's voice speaking.

"Why'd you do it, huh? You didn't have to kill his mum, his sisters, and him! You're a fucking psycho." Liam says, and I accidentally bump into the corner of the counter, Liam turning around.

"Ahh, look who we've got here." He says, and he begins stepping toward me, Harry beginning to move around in the ropes.

"Don't you fucking touch her" Harry says.

"Aww, what if I want to have a little fun, though?" He says, putting his hand on my cheek, and I flinch out of his touch, my face twisting in disgust.

"You're a pig." I say, hitting a pressure point between his rib cage, giving me enough time to land an uppercut to his face, and kneeing him in the groin.

Boxing classes pay off very well.

He becomes shocked at my newfound strength, and charges towards me.

He slaps me, and Harry begins moving around in the chair, trying to find a way out of his ropes.

He turns my body, attempting to choke me, but I elbow his stomach, causing his grip to loosen. It gives me time to turn around and throw my hand to his Adam's apple sideways. He coughs, and I land a couple punches to his face, and an especially hard one to his nose, blood on my knuckles. I ignore the pain, watching him struggle to regain his composure.

I kick him between the legs as he falls, and I get on top of him, my thumbs going to the pressure points of his eyes.

He keeps his cries of pain in, and I bang his head on the hard floor.

He remains breathing, but unconscious. I get up, running to Harry and I untie him, as he looks at Liam.

"What should we do with him?" I ask Harry.

"Let's make him suffer." He says, and I nod, heading upstairs to put out the flame I hadn't forgotten about.

I look at Louis, making sure he is no longer breathing.

I avoid breathing until I make it out of the room to make sure I didn't inhale the toxic, yet odourless gas.

I run back downstairs, finding Harry and Liam to be gone.

"Harry?" I call.

"In the basement" he calls out faintly.

There's a basement? Okay, wow. I look around and I see a door that I've always ignored.

I enter the door, meeting a faint light.

I walk down the stairs, the light getting brighter, Liam hung up on chain, the basement looking like something from a Leatherface movie.

"What are we going to do to him?" I ask.

"I want you to take this and put it around his neck when he wakes up." He says, handing me a heretics fork.

I nod, and I begin looking around the room.

"You have an Iron Maiden?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, but I rarely use it cause it's a fucking mess to clean up." He says and I nod.

"So, what will we do after putting the Fork on?" I ask.

"We leave him there" he says, and my eyes widen.

"So he's forced to stay awake?" I ask, slowly processing his plan.

"Indeed. If he doesn't the fork severs his throat and neck."

"Okay, well can we wake him up? I want to get this over with.." I say.

"If you're not okay with this, Raisa, I understand." He says.

I might be uncomfortable, but I'm okay with this.

I shake my head vigorously.

"Alright." He says, throwing a cup of water at Liam's face, causing him to gasp and his eyes flicker wide open.

I hold his chin up, putting the leather around his neck.

"If I were you, I wouldn't sleep." I mumble.

"Why the," he begins, but the fork nearly stabs him. "Why the fuck are you doing this?" He says, more gently and lowly.

"Why wouldn't we?" I smirk.

"What happened to you?" He asks me.

"Everything, darling." I say, walking off.

We exit the basement, shutting off all lights behind us, ignoring the yells of Liam.

I feel like this chapter is very shitty I'm sorry

But dude thank you for 4.25k!!! A trailer for this story is coming soon!! The amazing MagicAl_WinGs_ will be making it and I'm so fuckin excited like no lie! thanks you guys your support is amazing even though these chapters are quite shitty.

Keep doing you babes <3

All the love x

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