Chapter 12

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After I heard Raisa's piercing scream, I immediately ran to the building she was in.

I ran into the room her parents were in, and my eyes widened at the sight.

Her parents lie dead on the floor and Raisa is in the back corner looking at the horror in front of her.

"What the fuck happened?!" I look at her and yell.

She flickers her eyes to me and then back to her parents.

I walk up to her, kneeling down to block her view, so that she can't look at her parents anymore.

She looks at me, and begins speaking.

"I-I ran out, a-after I f-fought with them.. T-they didn't c-come after me... I h-heard l-loud sh-sh" she begins sobbing loudly, and I pull her into a hug.

She freezes for a moment, and I furrow my eyebrows.

She hesitantly raises her arms and hugs me back, very loosely.

"I'm sorry" I say and she lets go to look at me.

"I don't want sympathy," she begins, "please don't give me sympathy... I don't want it.." She shakes her head, her body trembling.

I nod tightly and quickly, and grab her hand, pull her up.

I decide that we need to get out of here, just incase who ever did this is still here.

She doesn't speak, but follows behind.

I can hear her small sniffles behind me and I feel bad for her. I know she doesn't want me to, but she thought her parents were dead, and the last thing she ever did with them was fight.

I didn't care for my parents, or at least I tell myself that. They're the ones who raised me.

I put rat poison in my fathers alcohol, and after he passed out from it, I killed him.

A year after my father's death, I caught my mum sleeping with my dad's best mate and I killed him. My mum fled before I could do anything else.

I was cut from my thoughts when Zayn walks up to me.

"What happened mate?" He questions, his stare on Raisa.

"Someone killed her parents... For real this time." I answer.

"Did you get the package?" I ask Zayn.

"I had to kill him for it, but yup" he answers, holding the box up.

I lead Raisa to the car, and allow her to sit in the front.

Zayn gives me an odd look.

"Mate, just cause her parents were killed, doesn't mean she can't escape." Zayn says lowly.

"Child lock, and a window lock. I've got it all covered man." I say and Zayn hesitantly nods.

"If you've got Raisa, me and the guys are going for a drink, we left our own truck in the back of the building, where the garages are." Zayn says.

"Ok." I say and walk to my Black SUV.

I open the door and Raisa flinches.

She settles down a little, and I mean a little, when she sees that it's just me.

I close the door, and I start the engine.

I drive out the parking lot, slower than usual, just incase I disturb Raisa.

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