My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)

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Porcelain pov

"Come on porc! Its a fucking marianas trench concert!" My friend liz exclaimed as i laid on my bed "i dont even listen to their music that much, only when you do" i sighed sitting up "i have platinum vip tickets, meet and greet and soundcheck. Your coming with me" she grabbed my foot and pulled me off my bed "YOU BITCH!" I screamed "you havent been yourself since you got home from visiting your parents" she sighed "im sorry, i know i havent been myself" i ran a hand through my hair and looked up at her "whats going on with you?" She asked, do i want to tell her? Or should i just act like everythings fine? Ugh fuck it "my parents... Their getting a divorce" i stood up, when i was off my ass she pulled me into her arms "i am so sorry" she mumbled into my shoulder, she's shorter than me so when we hug her mouth is like, right on my shoulder. "I thought everything was great with them! They were always happy, never faught, all 'lovey dovey' but they said it's been falling apart since just before i graduated and moved out here. They were just acting till i moved i guess." I sighed "perfect way to cheer you up... A marianas trench concert" she pulled away and gave me a pleading look "ugh fine let me change" i caved in and walked to my closet "wear somthing sexy" liz called "doubt it" i called back. I picked out a black crop top with 'dope' written across it, blue ripped short shorts, black tights and my spikey combat boots. After i was changed i walked out to find liz on her phone. I cleared my throat "is this good enough for you" i walked over to my dresser and grabbed my dark red lipstick and put it on. "I know i said sexy, but now you look better than me" she pouted, "whats wrong with that?" I asked a bit hurt "i dont know, i just wanted to look good, i think anami vice is single" she smirked "hey, we live in the couve, he lives here. Oh my fuck you could get a rapper singer dude as a boyfriend" i exclaimed trying to be excited for her "oh my gosh yes!" She jumped up and down. I laughed and fixed my hair. "Hurry, we have to be there in like twenty minutes" she groaned "fine, im done" i set the brush down and turned to face her "i think you need another tattoo... Like right there" she paused and pointed to my bare stomach "or a belly ring, it would look cool with your crop tops" she smirked "i was thinking of getting somthing here" i put my hand on the front of my right hip area. "That would look badass" liz chuckled "what would you get though?" She asked "i was thinking about getting a heart made out of an upside down treble clef and a bass clef" i smiled "that would look great with your pause,play,repeat tattoo" she chuckled and her phone buzzed "shit we have to go" she grabbed my hand and drug me out of my house "what did the text say that was so important" i chuckled "it wasnt a text, a reminder. We have ten minutes" she said starting her car. "Okay then" i laughed

-at the venue-

"Oh my gosh we have to run!" She grabbed my hand again and we ran inside. "We made it! With two minutes to spare" she smiled and we walked to the group of people, a group of girls that looked about 15 years old squealed "i bet making out with him would be like heaven" one of them said "oh my fuck yes! The tongue ring!" Another one said "language youngster" i chuckled at their reactions to what i said "we're not 'youngters' were teenagers... We can swear all we want" one said bitchily "okay then, have fun being badass motherfuckers" i said sarcasticly "just mind your own buisness old lady" one smirked "old lady eh" i chuckled "im 25 and atleased i could makeout with one of the badmembers without them being called pedophiles" i crossed my arms "josh wouldnt be called a pedo, we'd be inlove" one rolled their eyes "suuurreee" i turned to liz who looked like she was going to die from holding in her laughter.

"Oh my gosh its them!" Liz whispered as me and her walked into the soundcheck. We got front row. "No shit" i chuckled at how excited she was "porcelain, atleased try to be excited, please! For me" she pouted "fine" i smiled "hey guys" a guy with blonde and blue hair smiled. "As you may know, im josh" he smiled and scanned the audience, his eyes stopped on me and i felt myself start to blush. "Im matt" a guy that resembled john mayer said "mike" a guy with a pretty sweet mohawk smiled "Ian!" A guy with an epic frow yelled from behind the drums "i dont have a mic on yet!" He yelled and everyone laughed. "Before we start, since ian needs to put his mic on, lets start with a Q&A" josh smiled. Liz's hand shot up "you with the awesome red hair" josh pointed to her "hey thanks my hair is pretty awesome" she paused and giggled "do you guys think you would ever get a fan on stage to sing good to you or any duet with you guys again?" She asked "i think so, possibly. Why? You sing" josh asked "me? Hell no but my friend porcelain can!" She pointed to me. I just want to curl up under a rock and die... "Woah your names porcelain" matt exclaimed "yeah, i think my mom was high when she named me" i gave an awkward laugh "so porcelain, you can sing" josh chuckled "not really" i shrugged "shes an amazing singer! She just doesnt believe anyone" liz said. I slapped her arm "lets hear" mike smiled, i shook my head frantically "awe why not?" Ian asked over his -now on- mic "cause i cant sing, and you guys have more questions to answer" i said "anyone else have a question?" Josh asked, only one girl put her hand up "yes you" mike pointed to her "hi! Im such a huge fan! But i just wanted to say, i can sing" she smiled "lets hear yeah then" matt smiled "once upon a time i used to romanticize" he girl sung, okay maybe it wasnt singing. More like a cat getting stepped on and nails on a chalk board. I shuddered and liz covered her ears. Once the girl stopped singing the guys were silent "that was... Good..." Josh gave a half smile "oh my god! Thank you!" The girl squeeled "see porcelain, she sung why not you" mike said "i dont know anything to sing" i said "why not one of our tunes" matt chuckled "ummm" i thought "i dont know any" i said slightly embaraced "yeah you do" liz said "you know stutter" she smiled "umm okay" i shrugged "porcelain, porcelain, porcelain" the guys chanted and got the rest of the vip people to chant it to "fine" i sighed defeated "yay!" Ian cheered. Now... I need to think of the song.. "I know, i never make this easy. Its easier to dissapear, you said give me something, a thing that i could go on, together yeah anywhere but here. Sing it back, Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Oh-oh. Hey. Oh-oh, Oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh And I'm begging you, Bring me back to life, I just can't stand leaving you alone tonight. It's too late to go, Already taken me forever just to try, you know. One for the money, two for the show, Three to get ready, and four to go. For the life of me, I don't know why it took me so long to see." I sang, everyone was silent when i finished. Oh god i was worse than the other chick. Now, can someone please kill me. Liz was staring at me smiling, as were the guys on stage. "THAT WAS GREAT!" Someone in the crowd yelled and they all started clapping, even the band clapped. "Good job porcelain" liz smiled "you werent lying when you said your friend could sing" ian chuckled "i dont lie alot" liz said.

After a few songs -that were fucking awesome- the guys said good bye to the 'gold' people. Whatever the hell that ment, but me and liz and a few other people were taken into a small room, "you guys get one picture per group" a lady said "what does she mean?" I whispered to liz "we get a picture with the band. Then we do the whole 'meet and greet' thing. I brought my cd for them to sign" she pulled her ever after cd out of her bag to show me then dropped it back in the bag "i didnt bring anything. Ill just get them to sign this thing" i held up my laminate. "I shouldve brough my other masterpiece theater cd for you to get signed for me" liz sighed "shucks.. Maybe next time" i made a strange hand movement "oh grow up" she nudged my shoulder "i am grown up" i stood straight "no, your just tall" she smirked "im a child at heart, i shall do whatever the fuck i want though" i smiled and girls screamed including liz. I covered my ears from the unhumanly sound "wow, vancouver! Thats the best reaction we've gotten during meet and greet entries" matt chuckled and they all walked infront of a white wall infront of a camera. Josh looked at me and smiled. "Porcelain! Josh is so checking you out" liz whispered "no, he's checking me out" a girl infront of us said turning around. Oh look its the stupid 15 year old from before sound check. Great. "Maybe he is a pedo then" i made a scared face "he isnt a pedo" she spat "okay then, whatever you say" i shrugged "if you were just coming here to make fun of my band why dont you just leave" she pointed to the door "im not listening to some minor niner, and im here for my friend" i said "minor niner! Ugh im in grade ten" she huffed and turned around. "Next!" The photographer yelled and the girl walked to the guys, she stood close to josh, and i mean really close. And josh looked horrified. "Say cheese" the photographer said, the guys made weird faces and took the picture "next" the photographer yelled again "lets go" liz smiled "you go, i dont need a picture" i smiled but liz grabbed my hand and pulled me to the band. Shes alot stronger than she looks. Liz stood infront ian and mike and i stood infront of matt and josh, josh put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up a bit but untensed right away. "Say cheese" the photographer said "fromage" me and liz said and the photographer took the picture "what the fuck is with fromage" ian chuckled before we walked away for the next group to get their picture taken "its cheese dumbass" i chuckled and walked away "sorry shes a bitch sometimes" liz followed me

*so? Whatcha think?! Shall i continue this?





Douchey Fuck

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Where stories live. Discover now