Chapter 24

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*i know I'm somewhat rushing this. But trust me its worth it. By the way. Don't hate me*
Porcelain Pov -middle of tour-
"Hey porcelain" Connor said walking into my house. Me and Connor have gotten close since what happened with Liz. Connor was here for me. "Hey Connor" i chuckled "i have something to show you. The only reason I'm showing you this is because i love you and i don't want to see you hurt" she cautiously set her laptop down in front of me and pulled up a picture. "Is that... Josh?" I looked at the picture in shock. Josh is kissing another woman "sadly yes" Connor sighed and went to another picture of Josh and the woman smiling and holding hands "He's cheating" i said sadly "I'm sorry porcelain" Connor closed her laptop and hugged me "that son of a bitch" i sighed and pulled out my phone "whatchu doing?" Connor asked "I'm confronting him" i stated and called him "put it on speaker i wanna hear this" she said and i pressed the speaker button
"Yellow" Josh answered
"Hey baby"
"Hey" i heard some shuffling "whats up?" He asked
"Oh nothing i just have a question" i paused "whose the woman your cheating on me with?" I asked
"Im not cheating, her ex boyfriend showed up and she's afraid he might hurt her" he said
"Really" i said
"Yes, really."
"Im sorry for assuming you were cheating" i said
"As you should be" he said... He wouldn't usually say that...
"Well okay... Bye love you" i said
"Bye" i heard him say fast and then hang up "now to call Mike." I quickly dialled Mikes number
"Hey Porc"
"Hey Mike, quick question is Josh cheating on me?" I asked
"Cheating on you? I thought you guys broke up the second week of touring" he said sounding surprised
"We didn't break up" i sighed and ran a hand through my hair
"Then yes... He is" Mike sighed "I'm sorry, he told us you broke up cause you said you couldn't handle him touring" he stated
"Thanks Mike." I paused "and I'm fine with the touring" i stated
"Im going to ask him why he did it" Mike said and i heard some shuffling "hey Josh come here" i heard him call.
"Whats up?" I heard Josh
"Why on gods green earth would you cheat on Porcelain" i heard Mike
I heard Josh sigh. "I was lonely. I thought it would be a one night stand. But then it turned into more"
"I cant believe you had the audacity to cheat on her after what happened with Amanda" Mike spat. Josh stayed silent. "You remember how you felt when you found out what Amanda did. Imagine how Porcelain feels you bastard" Mike said and the line went dead. I was in shock. Did Mike seriously just call Josh a bastard...
I scrolled through my contacts and found Josh.
'Your key will be on your island. Your shit will be in a box.-Porcelain'
"You going to be okay?" Connor asked "yeah... I need to go pack his shit up though" i stood up "i'll help" she stood up behind me. "Im going to grab a box from downstairs, meet me upstairs" i said and jogged down stairs. When i got down there i grabbed a box and walked over to my editing area, i picked up the five pictures of Josh and i, and threw them in the box. I don't want them. He can deal with them.

An hour later i took his house key off my keys and walked over to his house with the full box in hand.
I walked into his house and into his kitchen dropping his key and box on the island. I might as well gather my shit. Saves him time. I walked up to his room and found one of my bags that i left at his place with some clothes in it. I walked around his house throwing my shit into my bag. Before i left my phone started to ring. I looked at the id. Josh.
"What do you want" i spat
"Im sorry" he said sounding hurt
"No your not. If you were sorry, you would've told me about this and i wouldn't have had to find out from Connor" i said about to hang up
"Let me explain"
"Hmm how about no" i hung up and left the house locking the door before i walked out.
Connor headed home before i went over to his house, so now I'm alone. So far this month is turning into shit.

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Where stories live. Discover now