Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Porcelain pov

Shit liz still has my keys... Dammit. I sat down on my front steps and pulled out my phone.


"Liz! Im locked out, i forgot you had my keys can you come over?" I asked

"Be there in 5, i wanna hear what happened between you and mr sexy ass" i could hear the smirk in her voice

"Josh! Oh my gosh ill see you soon" i said while hanging up.

'Hey josh, made it home. Just sitting on the steps till liz gets here :) -porcelain'

'Good! And you could've stayed longer. Matt is just... Awkward-josh'

'Nah, i had to get home anyways - porcelain'

'Why did you have to get home? Hiding a double life from me ;) - josh'

'Shit... You found out who i am :O -porcelain'

'I knew it was you... Hannah montanna-josh'

'Now i need to move and change my name and everything AGAIN!-porcelain'

'Awe but you cant leave! Ill miss my girlfriend-josh'

I sat for a minute reading over that text before i got another one

'I mean, if you want to be my girlfriend-josh'

'Id love too. But you'll have to ask me in person ;) and i have to go liz just pulled up -porcelain'

'Okay fine :P Call me when she's gone-josh'

After that i didnt reply i just walked to liz's car and opened the passanger door "keys please" i smiled "not so fast, i need the dets" liz got out of her car with my keys. I sighed and shut the passanger door while she went and unlocked my house "liz, cant we just drink coffee and gossip about celebrities like you do on tumblr everyday" i asked walking in my house after her "okay, do you hear that josh has a mystery girl in his life" liz pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of me and josh leaving the bar yesturday "fuck" i mumbled "yeah, fuck. So whats going on between you two?" She asked "umm, he kissed my cheek. Then my lips. Then we texted. Now i have to call him later" i listed off she squeeled "you could so start dating him then introduce me to anami!" I sighed "yeah. Cause id totally do that" i said sarcastically "i helped introduce you to josh" she pointed out "i doubt id even meet anami. And if i do ill let you meet him" i sighed "good... Now, is he a good kisser?" She quetioned "yes" i mumbled she squeeled again "stop with the squeeling!" I walked to the kitchen to get a drink "you know... Your still wearing the clothes you wore yesturday" liz pointed out following me to the kitchen. I looked down at my outfit "ill... Be right back" i ran off up the stairs to my room. I started to look through my clothes trying to decide what to wear. I picked out black skinny jeans, my 'kay vintage camera tank' (a/n its a white tank top with pictures of vintage cameras on the front) my black leather jacket and my black flats. My wardrob is mostly black. "Good your back!" Liz chuckled "yay?" I said confused "call josh" she stated "i told him i would once you leave" i said "then ill leave. Talk to you later" she smirked as she walked to the door "why must i call him" i asked "cause you want to! See yeah" she yelled and left. I ran a hand through my hair and called josh


"Hey its porcelain"

"Hey porce, liz is gone already" he chuckled

"Yeah she left me. So you needed me to call you" i smirked

"Yes, yes i did. What are you doing in about twenty minutes?"

"Im going to be sitting on my couch like a lazy ass, how about you" i chuckled

"Im going to be at your house picking you up" he smirked

"So, see you in twenty" i smiled

"See you soon" he chuckled and the line went dead. I laughed to myself and flicked on the tv, i started looking through the channels till i got to dejavu which had roseanne on (a/n i watch old shows be nice) fuck yes!

Thats how i spent the twenty minutes, laughing at the show. And soon enough a lanky douche stood infront of me "so you just walk into my house" i smirked "yup, im here for my evil plan" he chuckled and laid on the couch with his feet on my lap. I pushed his feet off my lap and stood up "be right back" i gave him an innocent smile and walked to the hall closet. When i opened it i saw my cans of silly string, yes i keep silly string. But i have a reason! Their for photoshoots... I reached in and grabbed a pink bottle and shook it up, i took off the cap and walked back to the living room with it hidden behind me back. I walked to josh who was still laying on the couch, he looked up at me and gave me a confused look. "Remember when i said what would happen if you laid on my couch" i smirked, he thought for a minute and then looked at me scared "you dont have silly string" he gave me a nervous chuckle "wanna bet" i smirked "your bluffing" he sat up and i pulled the can from behind me and sprayed him. "Yeah totally bluffing" i laughed "payback" he paused as he wiped the silly string from his face "is a motherfucker" he smirked and threw the silly string at me. Him throwing it at me distracted me long enough for him to come pick me up and throw me over his shoulder "HEY! NO FAIR!" I yelled and pounded on his back "all is fair in love and war" he laughed "i have a question" i said "and that would be" he asked setting me back down "why'd you come over?" I asked "to take you out" he smiled "where?" I giggled "on an adventure!" He threw his fist in the air "lets get going then" i chuckled as he held my hand and walked to the door. I grabbed my keys and locked the door.

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Where stories live. Discover now