Chapterr 14

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Chapter 14

Porcelain pov

So many people. I really hate people. "Hey" someone tapped my shoulder, i turned around from the counter to find anami vice. "Uh hi" i smiled "your porcelain right?" He asked "that'd be me" i nodded "nice to meet you" he held out a hand for me, "nice to meet you too" i smiled and shook his hand. "Josh told me you made a deal with your friend that if you met me you have to introduce me to your friend" he chuckled grabbing a beer from behind me "yeah, but we arent really on speaking terms so your safe" i chuckled "so i dont have to meet her" he let out a sigh of relief "if you dont want to, im not forcing you to meet her" i laughed "thank you" he chuckled "no probs" i took a drink of my beer so did he. "So you and ramsay" he wiggled his eyebrows. I blushed "yup im with the douche bag" i smirked as josh walked into the kitchen "and im dating a douchey asshole motherfucker" josh smirked walking over to me and anami "huh?" Anami raised an eyebrow confused. "My nickname, sorta" i laughed "well then" anami chuckled "im going to go outside again" he smiled and left the house "i came to ask if you wanted to come swim" he chuckled "to the pool" i chuckled


"Hey josh im going to go dry off" i said hopping out of the pool "alright, ill be inside in a bit" josh said before getting pushed underwater by someone named andrew. I chuckled and shook my head as i walked back inside, grabbing a towel on the way in. Once i was somewhat dried off i walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, im done drinking tonight. "Hey-llo porcelain" i turned around from the fridge to find a drunken anami "hey anami" i smiled, he took a step towards me "guess what" he smirked "um your drunk?" I said backing up against the fridge "nope, your cute" he put his hands on my hips but i knocked them off "come on baby, dont be like that" he smirked again. "Go away" i placed my hands on his chest trying to push him away "but baby" he leaned in once again placing his hands on my hips then he kissed me. "Porcelain" anami broke away and i wiped my lips with the back of my hand "get out" josh looked at me "josh you dont understand" i walked towards him "you just kissed one of my friends, get out" he pointed to the front door "josh he kissed me" i pleaded "dont lie to me porcelain! He wouldnt do that!" He said gradually getting louder, tears threatened to escape from my eyes "just let me explain" i pleaded "no need, i saw it all." He huffed "josh" i put my hand on his shoulder but he rubbed it off "get the fuck out of my house" he sneered. This time tears escaped my eyes. "Fine. I apologize for even coming. Congrats on the tour" i walked to the front door grabbing my bag as i left.

Josh Pov

I cant believe she cheated on me... Shes just like amanda, she used me. "Hey man, what happened?" Matt walked up behind me "i walked in on porcelain swapping spit with anami" i sneered "woah what?" Matt asked confused "she cheated on me with anami." I stated and walked past him to the back yard.


"Josh" someone flicked my ear "ow what the fuck" i opened my eyes to find anami standing infront of me "i am so sorry man i was drunk i didnt know what i was doing" anami spoke fast "what?" I questioned sitting up realizing i was on the couch "i kissed porcelain, she didnt kiss me. I was drunk im so sorry" he said "wait... So i got mad at porce for somthing she didnt do" i thought aloud "yes im sorry" he apologized again "fuck" i sighed snd ran a hand through my hair "what time is it?" I questioned "11:37" anami checked his phone "okay.. Ill be back in a bit" i stood up and walked to my front door grabbing my keys on the way out.

When i got to porcelains house i punched in the lock code and waited for the door to unlock. Once the green light flashed i turned the door nob and pushed on the door. Ugh she locked the deadbolt. I walked down her two front steps and around to her back yard. I didnt see her back there so i walked around to her back door, which was thankfully unlocked. I walked in and heard shuffling in the kitchen. So i walked to the kitchen, porcelain's back was facing me and she was leaning against the island running her hand through her hair. I took out my phone and texted her.

'Hey, can we talk?-josh'

Her phone beeped and she pulled it out of her pocket, she sighed and started to text back. I quickly turned my phone to silent and waited for a text back.

'Im just eating lunch now. maybe later-porcelain'

'Whatcha eating?-josh'

I saw her look around her kitchen quickly and i backed behind the wall so she couldnt see me.

'Im eating a bowl of cereal right now-porcelain'

She shrugged "porcelain im sorry" i stepped into the kitchen. She turned around and saw me. Her eyes were filled with sadness. She opened her mouth to say somthing then closed it. "Porcelain... Speak" i said "how the fuck did you get in my house" she asked just above a whisper. "Your back door" i pointed to the clear sliding door "get out" she mumbled "im sorry porcelain. I didnt let you explain, anami did this morning. Im sorry i accused you" i said taking a step closer to her, she started to shake her head "just please" she paused and i saw a tear run down her face. "Please get out" she whispered. I did as i was told and walked back to the back door. "Love you porcelain" i whispered before leaving, knowing she couldnt hear me. The first time i tell her i love her and its when she kicks me out of her house. Imagine that...

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Where stories live. Discover now