Chapter 8

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Josh pov

"I have a day off today, would you want to bump up our date?" I asked as we sat on the couch "sure" she smiled "do you have a laptop?" She questioned "yeah i do, why?" I chuckled "wanna see my pictures" she questioned "yessss" i smiled and stood up to grab my laptop, once i got back i set it on the table and porcelain typed her url into the bar '' (sorry if this exsists) "nice name" i nudged her shoulder "oh be nice" she giggled. As the site loaded a picture of her with her camera held up to her face popped up. "Look away" she chuckled and handed me my cordless mouse. I chuckled and went to the page labled 'shoots' and it was filled with folders full of pictures. "Holy shit" i chuckled. And scrolled through the page until i saw a folder named 'warped tour' i smirked and opened the folder. There had to be over 300 pictures. I looked through all the pictures and damn they were amazing "wow these are... Just wow" i said astonished "really? I dont think their that good" she shrugged "their great!" I smiled "thanks" she smiled.

After around a half hour i had gone through all the folders, i was speechless. She took pictures for everything, weddings, grad, family , school pictures, concerts, nature shots and even a folder from all her vacations. "Holy fuck these are amazing" i exclaimed "thanks" porcelain chuckled and her phone rang "sorry" she apologized and answered her phone.

-porcelain pov-

"Hello" i answered my phone

"Hey porcelain, you forgot your keys in my car." Liz spoke

"Yeah, sorry about that"

"Its no problem, but where did you sleep?"

"At a friends house" i answered and josh scratched his neck awkwardly


"Josh" i answered

She screamed bloody murder and i dropped my phone from my ear and landed inbetween me and josh on the couch. Josh grabbed the pillow from beside him and held it over the phone to muffle her screams. After it got quiet he lifted the pillow

"Porcelain mary doll, where the fuck did you go" liz called through the phone

"Sorry liz just trying to stop my ear from bleeding" i picked up the phone and held it to my ear again

"Shit sorry"

"We could hear your screams through a pillow" i chuckled

"We? Josh heard me" she sounded nervous

"Yeah i did" josh spoke loud enough for her to hear, i chuckled

"Well im going to go be embarrased in a corner, ill call you later so you can pick up your keys" she said

"Okay, see yeah later" i chuckled and she hung up. "Where were we?" She giggled and tucked her phone away in her pocket "i was just telling you how amazing your pictures are" he smirked "ohh" i nodded "thanks" i paused "so, wheres your next concert?" I asked, he thought for a minute "prince george, then grande prairie, red deer then last but not least saskatoon" he explained "wow fun" i smiled "yeah touring great! Except we have to leave our loved ones" he sighed "i over heard liz and her friends say that your ex girlfriend used to tour with you" i said "yeah she did, she was the costume designer... We got in a big fight and she left this tour around april 2nd" he ran a hand through his hair "im sorry for bringing it up" i looked down at my lap and started messing around with a few of my many braclets. "Eh its fine, shes gone. Im over her" he nudged my shoulder. I chuckled and looked up "your so weird" i nudged him back "how am i weird" he flung his arms around "i have no idea... Maybe its your socks" i pointed down to his black socks "yeah... Their pretty weird" he started doing some sort of foot dance and i joined in "damn our feet got moves" he chuckled "to bad i cant dance like that" i laughed "oh yes you can" he stopped the foot dance thing. "Huh?" I looked at him confused "you can dance well while drunk" he chuckled and i could feel my face burn up. "I suck when im sober" i shook my head so my hair fell in my face "lets see" he smirked and stood up "um what" i questioned him as he typed somthing into his computer "stand up" he chuckled. I slowly stood up. I heard music start to play "isnt this you?" I questioned recognizing the song "yes, now... May i have this dance?" He did a bowe and held out his hand. I hesitated but took his hand. We started to slow dance. "See you can dance" he smiled at me "so can you surprizingly" i chuckled "i had to learn for one of my sisters weddings" he explained "ohh now i undertand why a rockstar knows how to slowdance" i smirked "how bout you?" He asked "oh funny story.. I learned for my ex bestfriend and ex boy friends wedding" i looked down at our feet "huh?" He muttered "my old bestfriend sasha... And my ex boyfriend cody... They hooked up one night when i was out of town and he knocked her up so they got married... They lived happily ever after and now have two kids" i explained nodding my head at the end. "Wow... That ass" josh stopped dancing and i looked back up at him "how long ago?" He questioned "well the twins are what... 2 months old now... They got married two weeks after they found out she was pregnant so almost a year ago" i shrugged "shitty" he muttered "very" i sighed but chuckled a while after "what?" Josh asked "he proposed to me... I would be married to that cheating man whore right now if sasha didnt get knocked up" i explained "you were engaged" josh said shocked "yup, thats why they were able to have the wedding so soon... It was supposed to be our wedding" i looked back down at our feet.

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora