Chapter 18

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Josh pov (a/n i understand they haven't done a photoshoot its just for writing purposes)

"Alright guys lets get down to business, we need to do a photoshoot" Jonathan stated "whose taking the pictures this time?" Mike asked "thats the thing, we don't have a photographer yet" Jonathan sighed "Porcelain's a photographer" i smiled and looked back at porcelain who was glaring at me, i gave her an innocent smile "your a photographer?" Jonathan asked her "um yeah, i am" she nodded "is there anyway i could view your work?" Jonathan asked "yeah, here i have a card in here somewhere" porcelain started digging around in her bag. She pulled out a small business card and walked to Jonathan "thats my website" she pointed to something on the card "i'll be sure to check it out" Jonathan looked over the card. Porcelain nodded and walked back to the couch.

"We just got you a job" Ian smirked at porcelain "thanks guys" she smiled and jumped on my back "why hello there" i chuckled as we walked out of 604 "on wards home James" she laughed in a british accent "alright malady" i chuckled. "You guys want to come to my house for food?" Porcelain asked before we all went our separate ways. "Sure" Matt, Mike and Ian all said at once "meet at her house. You know where the spare key is. We're gunna go grab pizza and hot wings" she hopped off my back "lets go with that" she chuckled "to our vehicles!" Matt shouted as him, Ian and Mike separated from us. "So pizza and wings eh" porcelain chuckled "yup" i smiled as we got into my car "why don't we just get it delivered" she questioned while smirking at me "is it bad that i want some alone time with you" i asked dramatically "its not bad" she giggled "considering last night, you seem to enjoy alone time with me" i wiggled my eyebrows at her and she blushed "i win" I chuckled "oh hush... You seemed to enjoy it too" she smacked my arm lightly "oh yes i did" i smirked

Once me and Porcelain got back to her house and walked inside the guys were quietly sitting on the couch watching us as we set the pizza and wings down on the table. "Whats wrong?" I asked "you two are nasty" Ian said it trying not to laugh "why?" Porcelain sat down "we went into your room cause when Matt went into the bathroom he came out and saw your sheets all over your floor" Mike smirked "you guys had sex" Matt laughed and Porcelain's face turned red. "Guys" i groaned and sat beside Porcelain. "You did the nasty" Ian smirked "eat your food" Porcelain sighed "they probably did it in the car guys..." Matt chuckled while eyeing the food "jesus! Just eat" Porcelain chuckled and turned on the tv. The guys dropped the topic and we all started eating while we watched wipeout.

My One and Only Porcelain (MT/JoshRamsayFF)Where stories live. Discover now