Chapter 28

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Porcelain pov

"Im not going anywhere" i said as i finally got my arm free "I'm taking you home" he said. I groaned then followed him back to his car. I got into the passenger seat and he started the car. "I don't like him" he hissed once we got out onto the road "he's a friend" i said "ex boyfriend." He stated "yes. So what?" I looked over at him "i don't want you seeing him anymore" he spat "your not my father. I can see him all i want" i sassed "not if you want a boyfriend you wont" he threatened "fine." I crossed my arms over my chest and gazed out the window as i thought for a few seconds. "We're over if i cant see Josh anymore" i stated. The car came to a screeching halt and Trent glared at me. Thank god theres no traffic behind us. "Get out" he said sternly "what" i said shocked "you said we're over. You chose him over me. So out" he reached over and opened my door. "Fine" i spat and unbuckled then got out of the car. I walked over to the sidewalk then Trent took off. I walked over to one of the buildings and leaned against it. Tears started streaming down my face. I just lost my boyfriend. I probably lost Josh after what had happened back at the hall/club. And I'm also blocks away from home. I pulled out my phone and dialled Connors number

"Porcelain?" I heard Josh's voice

"Whe-wheres Connor?" I asked

"Driving. Are you okay?" He sounded worried

"He left me on the side of the road" i cried

"Where are you?" He asked

I looked around then walked down the road a bit to find the street sign "I'm on Howe street" i spoke

I heard him talking to Connor "we'll be right there" he said

"Thank you" i said as it started to rain. God dammit.

"I need to hang up, her phone is going to die soon" he said

"Alright. Bye"

"Bye" he hung up.

"I really wish i had a coat" i thought aloud as i started to shiver. I walked back to a building near the street sign and leaned against it. There was no where to go that would shield me from the rain so i guess I'm stuck getting soaked.

A few minutes later a car pulled up in front of me. "Porcelain" Josh got out of the car and pulled off his jacket while he jogged over to me. He wrapped his jacket around me and we walked over to Connors car. Both me and Josh sat in the back of the car. He held me trying to warm me up since i am now shivering like a hairless chihuahua. "What happened?" Connor asked "he-he told me it was-was either him or Josh. I cho-chose Josh" i said then sneezed "why are you crying?" She asked. She knew that i wasn't as happy as i could be with Trent "i broke u-up with Trent and he left me o-on the side of the road." I stuttered slightly and Josh held me closer and rubbed my arm trying to warm me up faster. His shirt is now soaked in the front from where my head is laying. The rest of the ride was silent with the occasional sneeze from me and the hum of the radio. Once we pulled up to my house Connor turned to face me and Josh "should i wait out here for you?" She asked Josh "its alright, i can walk home" he said "he's staying the night" i said and sat up off his chest. Both of them gave me a confused look "th-thank you for picking me up" i thanked Connor "i hope your okay" she said "I'm fine." I gave her a sad smile. "Thanks for the ride" Josh pushed open the door. The rain seemed to be falling harder now. "No problem. Stay dry you guys" Connor smiled as i got out of the car after Josh. We said our goodbyes then made our way up to my door. I quickly unlocked the door and we went inside. "Thank you" i took off Josh's jacket "no problem" he nodded. "Stay here" i said as i took off my heels and jogged upstairs. I changed out of my dress into pj pants, a tee shirt and i put on a sweater. Then i threw my dress over the side of the bathtub. I then went through my drawers and found a pair of Josh's pj pants and one of his old shirts I kept then set them on the bed. I then walked back down stairs to get Josh. "I set a pair of dry pjs on the bed for you. I'll dry your clothes once your changed" i said "thank you" he smiled then walked past me up the stairs. I walked over to my heater panel and turned it on then i walked to the couch and sat down bringing my feet up to sit on the cushion and i hugged my knees to my chest. Im still shivering, but not as bad as i was in the car. Im going to be sick tomorrow. I heard Josh walking down the stairs but i didn't move, instead my body decided it'd be a good idea to have a fucking sneeze attack. "Woah you okay?" Josh asked as i felt a blanket being draped over me. "I think i just sneezed some of my brains out" i sighed and hid my face "i hung my clothes on the side of the tub like you did with your dress" he said and i felt the couch dip down beside me and Josh pulled me into his lap. He readjusted the blanked so it was covering both of us and i moved so my head was set in the crook of his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my hip with his thumb. "Sorry about Trent" i apologized "its not your fault" he said softly "well it kind of is. I mean. I should've done something instead of just standing there watching him get mad" i sighed and moved so i could see his face "don't worry about it" he gave me a small smile as he pushed some of my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. "I miss you" i said just above a whisper. His smile got slightly bigger as he leaned in and kissed me i smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Just as fast as i started kissing him i pulled away and hid my face in my sleeve and sneezed. "Bless you" Josh chuckled "thank you" i squeaked

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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