Why Do We Like To Hurt So Much?

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Have you ever thought about why people like to hurt other people? Maybe, they had a reason but what if there wasn't a reason? What if they just hurt that person for no reason? It makes me sick and sad that we live in a world where we hurt people so much. It's a question a 5-year-old would ask but it's an answer that nobody could possibly answer. I know you're wondering, "Why are you asking that?" Well, I remember after Zack and Hayley broke up, she actually asked me, "Why do we like to hurt so much?" Instead of saying, "I don't know." like I always did, I responded with, "Maybe we hurt people without even noticing it." I realize how idiotic that response was but it was better then, "I don't know."

My first day as a Senior is today, Josh is picking me up from my house.

I eat my breakfast which is Fruity Pebbles.

"Bye, mom and dad." I pick up my backpack and swing it over my shoulder.

"Bye, Ty. Have a good first day!" Both of them say.

"I won't but thank you for your concerning, caring statements."

I go outside and notice Josh on his phone.

"Ty! What made you so late?"

"I don't know, what made you so early?"

"Ah, sarcasm. You learned it but lemme guess, are you still pessimistic as hell?"

"You know me well, friend."

Josh continues to look at his phone in silence.


No answer.


No answer.

"Josh Dun."

"Yes, Ty?"

"Are we going to the school or.. Not?"

"Did I mention this girl I've been talking to online?"

I roll my eyes and sit on my porch on the steps.

There's this band I love, Mumford and Sons. They are sort of an acoustic band with an appropriate number of fans. They have said, "fuck" once or twice but the songs that don't have that word, are very amazing such as The Wolf, The Cave and Hopeless Wanderer. Josh isn't a fan of them, he likes rock bands like Nirvana, Radiohead and this supposed "underrated" band, Parkway Drive. I've listened to Parkway Drives' songs before and there is a lot of curse words which I'm not that okay with. Yes, Mumford and Sons has said "fuck" but they're sort of the only exception in this case. Anyway, I listen to "I Will Wait" for 11 seconds before Josh pulls out my earplugs.

"Come on, Ty, we must ride."

I raise my eyebrow.

"Let's just-" Josh walks away after an awkward two words.

We drive to the High School.

You can learn a lot by peoples' shoes.

Nike: Stylistic, top shoe brand, affordable, a lot of rich kids prefer to wear Nikes.

Under Armour: Rich kids prefer Under Armour because they are used for sports and Nikes 2.0

Converse: Makes us believe we could be basketball players because they're technically called, "Chuck Taylors" and if you've watched The Sandlot, you used to believe they could make you run as fast as the wind. Anybody can afford them.

And then, there are these shoe brands that poor kids would use (Trying not to judge)

Quasar: Remember those? Probably not but they were known as "sensitive" shoes because they could break at the slightest of a touch, not kidding. Very little style. Also, VERY cheap, cheap enough for poor kids.

Hi-Tec: Another "sensitive" shoe brand with very little style. Poor kids tend to buy this shoe brand.

So, you get the point.

I always look at somebody's' shoes before I conversate with them and I've only encountered 5 shoe brands that not only the students were wearing but even the teachers were wearing as well, Nike, Under Armour, Converse (Which I'm currently wearing), Quasar and Hi-Tec but.. As soon as I got to the school this morning, I noticed a new brand of shoes.. In the Principals' office. It was High-top Vans.

Josh ignored the shoe brand thing because he thought it was childish, coming from someone who ALWAYS dyes his hair.

I was headed up to AP.. AP English where Josh was headed to Band which unfortunately, the school had made everybody participate in ever since Sophomore year. But we got interrupted by the principal, Mr. Grant.

"Josh, Tyler. Come here for a second, please."

Josh wasn't paying attention, paying all of it to his phone so I elbowed him, "Come on, Josh."

"Mkay." He followed me into Mr. Grants' office.

"Here, boys. We have a new student this year.. Hun?" He tapped the girl on her shoulder while she was turned around backwards, hiding herself from us.

"Oh, yeah? Sorry, looking at the schedule." She turns around and smiles.

"Well, boys, this is...- Jenna." She interrupts after a few seconds.

"Jennaaaaaa..?" Josh looks up from his phone and stares Jenna down.

"Black. Er, Jenna Black." She nods.

"Jenna Black.. Hm, nice to meet you." He looks back at his phone.

"Yeah.. What are your guys' names?"

Josh continues to look at his phone.

I elbow him behind the back so he can answer, he smirks.

After awkward silence, Mr. Grant introduces us to Jenna.

"Well, rainbow-hair is Josh Dun and his friend there is Tyler Joseph."

"Oh, that's nice to know."

"Yes, they will be showing you around."

How. Convenient.

See, Mr. Grant isn't a bad guy. he's a young guy, he's like in his early 40s, you could consider him good-looking but also kind of scary. I find him scary because of his face expressions and his insane hair but when he makes me do stuff I'm too nervous to do, I hate him for awhile and then, forgive him. Right now, I know I'm going to hate him because he's going to make me show Jenna Black around the school. Why am I so nervous about that? I'm nervous because she's attractive and she's a girl and girls are scared of me and I don't want her to be scared of me because she's attractive.

And I know that some of us people like to hurt and help people at the same time but I don't want to hurt her because she's really attractive and she might be closest to another friend I could have.

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now