High For This Feeling They Call Love

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It's the day of Homecoming, I'm so excited!

Josh sent me a picture of Debby and she's really pretty.

I'm going over to Jenna's house at 7:10 since the dance starts at 7:30 and nobody has no idea how excited I am.

I love the suit and I wonder what Jenna wore, either way, I'm sure she looks good. "Good?" I feel so bland and blunt.

I heard the school is hiring this band, 'Paramore.'

They're supposedly a new band so, I'm in to see what kind of music they play.

I have to go pick up Jenna now.

"Bye mom and dad!"

"Bye, Tyler!" Mom yells.

"Bye, dad."

He stares at me.

"Okay-Bye." I shut the door, get in my car and drive to Jenna's house.

I knock on the front door of her house.

Wait, aren't I supposed to get her a flower or something? Oh, man!

The door opens and it's her mom.

"Oh my god, you look amazing, Tyler!"

"Thank you, tell Jenna to excuse me for a few minutes, I forgot to get her a flower." I run down the steps.

"Tyler, you don't have to get her a flower, it's fine." She laughs.

I start up the car.

"Oh, you're serious. Tyler, calm down. She'll be fine with or without a flower."

"No, no, she won't. Be back in a couple minutes."

I go to the flower store.

8 daisies are cheaper than 1 individual daisy, screw it, excuse my sinful language, I'll get the 8 daisies.

I get the 8 daisies and head back to Jenna's house.

I knock on the door again, "You're back, Tyler. Go get Jenna and you'll be on time at Homecoming."

"Okay, sorry, I was gone for 9 minutes."

She scoffs and I go into the house.

Her mom yells several times for Jenna to come downstairs and after the 4th time, she finally comes downstairs.

She's wearing a red dress too. Oh my god, she looks sick as frick!

"Tyler! You look awesome!"

"Thank you. You look gorgeous."

She smiles, "You did not get me 8 daisies!"

"I did."

"Thank you."

We go to the school for Homecoming, I pay for her ticket and my own.

"So, I heard this band is pretty good."

"Really? What are some good songs from them?"

"Pressure, Crushcrushcrush, That's What You Get, I'm Pretty Optimistic For A Pessimist, there's others but those are the best in my opinion."

"I've never heard of-Hello, everybody, we hope you have a fantastic Homecoming and.. We are Paramore." I recognize that voice.

Oh my god, it's Hayley.. With 3 other guys.

Josh comes over to me with Debby.

"Tyler, this is Debby and Debby, this is Tyler."

"Nice to meet you." She high fives me. Wow, I like this girl.

"You too."

"Ty, it's Hayley, the chick your brother dated." Josh whispers to me.

"I know." I reply.

"By the way, Debby is awesome and I think I'm high."

"You're high?!"

"No! I'm not high, I'm high for love, she's amazing." He whispers back.

"Good for you." I whisper back one last time.

I sure am excited for slow dancing and I need to have a chat with Hayley about what happened. Oh my god, this is so exciting!               

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now