Raise Your Voice Every Single Time They Try And Shut Your Mouth

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I apologized to Jenna for blurting out that I sinfully jerked off.

She said it was fine and she asked about what kind of bands I happened to listen to.

I replied Mumford and Sons. I was being honest because I don't know any other bands I listen to. Sure, Parkway Drive was one of them but I never said I liked them.

Anyway, she gave me a list of bands and boy, were there many? Yes, there was an abundance of bands.

This is what she wrote down-



-Sum 41

-Bring Me The Horizon



-Imagine Dragons (Don't ask, Tyler. Just listen.. Plus, Imagine Dragons is not only a great band but a strange though amazing name for a band.)

-Linkin Park

-Owl City

-Hollywood Undead


-The Script

-Thirty Seconds To Mars

-Zack Hemsey (He's an amazing solo artist.)

Listen to them and if you like some of them, I'll give you a couple more bands to listen to.

So, I would listen to them right now but I have to go get my suit for Homecoming which is now in 4 days but I have to drive myself over to the store because Josh is meeting up with Ashley or Halsey or whatever she calls herself.

The store is specifically for prom dresses and tuxes and really anything for dances. It's entitled, 'The Prom Store.' but it can't be just for Prom.

I walk into The Prom Store and stare at the wall, after a few seconds, one of the workers came up to me and asked if I needed help.

I replied yes.

"What is it you need help with?"

"I was looking for a tuxedo."

"For Prom?"

"No, for Homecoming."

"Really, Homecoming?"

"Why are you so inconsistent?"

I should not have said that.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry even though I'm not really sorry."

"I heard that."

"You're welcome."

"What tuxedo are you looking for, punk?"

"It has to be a decent color and fit me."

She nods and sort of gives me a tour of the tuxedos and so, I try them on.

"This is the 7th tuxedo I've tried on."

"What's the problem?"

"I don't know."

"Kid, raise your voice and speak up instead of letting them try to shut your mouth."

"Who's them?"

"And I'm inconsistent." She scoffs.

"The sleeves are too long.. And I hate bowties."

"That is what tuxedos conclude of so, I can't get you one without a bowtie. Plus, you said it's your size."

"It is but..."


"That red suit is cool."


"In the corner, see?" I point to the corner.

"That's a suit, it has a tie."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's a suit."

"If you want to just sell tuxedos for guys then do so but don't complain when someone wants a suit or.. Stop selling the suits."

She rolls her eyes, "Wait a minute." She excuses herself and gets the suit.

A few minutes later, I try the suit on. To give a description of what it looks like, it has red suit jacket, red slacks and a black tie which appears very cool.

"I like this one."

"It's not too long, the sleeves?"

"No, the sleeves are perfect."


"How much is it?"

"96 dollars."

"Plus tax?"

She palms her forehead.

"No, just come up to the counter."

Luckily, I happened to have 102 dollars and I think it was worth it because I love the suit.

I hope Jenna likes it. I wonder what she'll wear to Homecoming. Frankly, I would've worn a light jacket to Homecoming but it's a sort of formal event. The lady though, at The Prom Store. Sure, she was very inconsistent but what she said. "Raise your voice and speak up instead of letting them try to shut your mouth." Maybe, she was just speaking of people in general but I found that inspirational.

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now