My Touch Is Black And Poisonous

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Of course, I didn't tell Mr. Owens that I disagreed with what he thought about music because I'm on thin ice.

Now, I have to split up from Jenna to go to English 030 which is Creative and Artistic Writing .

I'm both excited and sad that Jenna and I will be in class together for Musical Analysis.

Why am I excited? She's fun and she's supporting even though we've known each other for probably, an hour and a half. She even defended me against Alex and I think that is a friend worth.. Being friends with the rest of my life.

Why am I sad? I feel like if we get closer than friends usually are, that I'll screw up and she'll get freaked out and stop hanging out with me. I haven't forgot about Josh but we've been friends 9 years and we are just fantastic. Say, that Jenna and I kiss, whether it's the touch of my lips or my hands or arms, my skin is resistant and poisonous and black.. I mean that metaphorically, of course.

Our Creative and Artistic Writing teacher is Mr. Carter. He's decent for a teacher though, he was the one who taught me The Phoenician Alphabet and language or as Alex calls it, 'The Devils' Alphabet.'

"Today, class. We will start a project that all of you aren't yet familiar with. We will be writing about one thing which is based off what your favorite book is.

I hear chatter around the room going, "Who would've thought Mr. Carter actually made us do something easy for once?"

"But.. You have to write it in The Phoenician language."

"WHAT!?" I hear every student exclaim.

"It makes it all the more harder and that's what I'm going for." Mr. Carter smiles at me.

"That's what HE said." One of the students mutter.

I know he knows that I like The Phoenician Alphabet and that I'm a loner, that I'm a goner, that I'm getting bullied by Alex and that he tries supporting me all he can. I know I said he was decent but I meant that he was decent, teaching-wise. He's a decent teacher but he's just a regular guy who is cool and chill.

Wow, when have I ever used the word, "Chill?" That makes me feel far different than last year and that's a good thing because I don't like myself because I tend to be insecure of what I say because people get mad when I say words like, "Nice" or "Neat" when I'm supposedly supposed to be using, "Chill" or "Rad" or "Sweet."

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