Nothing Could Take The Pain Away

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I walk back into the gym and I see Josh, Jenna, and Debby.

"Tyler, where were you? We were looking for you!" Jenna comes up to me and hugs me.

"I wasn't gone long. Plus, I was looking for you guys too."

"You were gone for half an hour and I guess we were at different locations when we were looking for eachother."

"It's fine. I just went to talk to Hayley."

"Is she the same?"

"Sort of but a lot more, 'You need to do what you want with your life.' type but it wasn't a necessarily a bad thing."

"Well, Tyler.. Wait a second, why are-Are you limping?" Jenna looks at my leg.

"Funny thing, I actually tripped while I was looking for you so, I'm fine."

She hugs me again, "Jesus, I was worried about you."

"I'm fine, Jenna."

"Excuse us, guys." Jenna says as we start walking away.

We go outside, "Tyler, your breath smells like smoke."

"I forgot to mention that I smoked with Jesse a few minutes ago.. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I wouldn't think so." She sits on a bench. I sit aside her.

"Tyler, are you nervous when you hang out with girls?"

"I've been hanging out with you for a couple weeks now so I think I can do it."

"Tyler, are you aware that I like you?"

"Well, yeah, we hang out together."


"Oh.. You like me that way."

"Yeah.. I intended to have a good night with you and your leg is busted and I know you didn't trip.. I'm positive somebody tripped you."

"If you're so positive then, who was it that tripped me?"

"Ryan came at you with a bat, didn't he?"

"How do you know that?"

"They warned me about it and I thought, 'They won't do it on Homecoming night.' That's why I was so worried about you when you were gone."

"Why would they tell you?"

"Tyler, they hate you because you're a Christian."

"Oh my god, what is it with my religion or anybody's religion, if these guys would back off, maybe, I wouldn't be so freaking depressed!" I stare ahead of me, at the fence.

"Tyler.. It's okay." She hugs me from turning my shoulder and putting her right hand on my neck and left arm around my shoulders.

"That's the thing, it's not okay. Nothing can take the pain away but I suppose I wouldn't have anymore pain if I-Don't talk like that or I will kick your ass for a good reason unlike these pricks." Jenna interrupts me.

"Let's just go back inside."

They started playing slow music.

We got on the dance floor and started dancing to the slow music.

It was too hard to look at Jenna in the eyes because I have a theory that the more you stare into somebodys' eyes, regardless of who they are.. The more likely you are to fall in love with them even more. I'm already in love Jenna in a sort of friend way and I don't want it to be anymore then that.

They played 8 slow songs. During the 6th song, I stared staring at Jenna and realizing how gorgeous she looked in that dress and she started leaning in. I guess the theory works for everybody, not just me. But, I moved back,

"I'm sorry, I'm just-I'm not comfortable with that."

"Are you okay, Tyler?" Jenna asks me.

"No, no.. I'm not." The pressure is building around my neck again, I need to go.

I walk out of the gym and leave my car in the lot and run home, crying for some reason.

I should've let her kiss me, that was such a mistake. I know I said I liked her in.. But that's not the truth. She likes me too in that way.. God! Why didn't I let her kiss me? 

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now