I See What's Mine And Take It

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I texted Josh after going to Mr. Nolan's office as I always do. Jenna had to do a few essays assigned by different teachers so we didn't include her in this, though, I want to take her to China, I can't, I need a drummer to perform with me, she's not one plus, she could probably care less, she's been really busy. So, I went ahead and texted Josh.                                                                                                                        

Me: Josh! I got picked out to go to China, write a song and to perform it there as well.

Josh: And you need a drummer?

Me: Yes, did you hear about it?

Josh: Yeah, Jenna won too.

Me: How do you know if she won?

Josh: She told me.

Me: When?

Josh: When you were in Mr. Nolan's office, she told me. She's not so excited.

Me: Why?

Josh: You have to write a song about pain. That's pain right there, writing a song about pain.

Me: I don't understand.

Josh: Frankly, the song that simply defines pain is I'm Just A Kid by Simple Plan.

Me: What?

Josh: Nothing, I'll drum for you but you have to come up with the lyrics.

Me: I know!

Josh: Are you excited about this thing?

Me: Yes, is that a bad thing?

Josh: No, but you're never excited.. Or happy.

Now, my mission is to make you believe in happily ever afters.

Me: You don't know that.

Josh: Whatever, dude.

This is the last second chance, I'm half as good as it gets, I'm on both sides of the fence. Without a hint of regret, I'll hold you to it.

Hayley sang that at Homecoming.

Why am I recalling things from Jenna and things Hayley sang at Homecoming?

Ignorance is your new best friend.

Me: Are you okay?

Josh: Yeah, I'm just worn out, ya know?

Me: Yeah..

Cause I fear I might break and I fear I can't take it. Tonight I'll lie awake feeling empty.

Do you think that people can stay together forever and still remain to be happy?

You can't be too careful anymore, when all that is waiting for you won't come any closer. 

What is happening? Am I still self doubting myself? I always bring myself down but I don't want to anymore, I can't. But I have to stand up and take what's mine and I unfortunately lost my self conscience and I have to get it back.

You've got to reach out a little more. 

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now