I'm The Fury In Your Head

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(Author's Note)

(So, the beginning of this song literally sounds like Car Radio, trust me. By the way, I actually found this song after I finished a video game entitled, "Life Is Strange" and I love the game! This freaking song though really just made the end of the episodic series! By the way, if you have played this game or watched people play it or at least heard of it, freaking tell me! Just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams! Seriously though, this song is sweet! As well as Life Is Strange is. Also, I want to know if you actually listen to the songs I link in every chapter.)

I've been having trouble writing this song.

I know,  I mentioned so but what am I supposed to do?

I can't write about pain, I can't go outside and purposely fall.

Sarcastic lyrics-

So, I went outside and scraped my knee,

It kinda hurts.. So, yeah.

Like, are you kidding me? I wanted to catch that ice cream truck with the possible pedophile seeking for young children to feast on but yet, I trip.

See? I can't write lyrics about pain like that. The thing is, if there is a moral on pain in a song, it can't be too obvious, it can't be too specific or 'clear.' It has to be a bit 'unclear' or perhaps, blurry.

Pain is expressed in music but in a metaphorical way. It has to be deep so "fans" and people can find it inspirational and to learn that you have to pick yourself up when you're down but how do you portray that concept?

I text Josh,

Me: Josh, what do you usually think when you get hurt?

Josh: I usually think about where the band-aids are.

Me: No, like, if you get told that you're trash, what do you think after that hypothetical statement?

Josh: I'm fabulous.

Me: But what would you think if somebody called you trash?

Josh: No, Tyler, I'm fabulous.

Me: Sure you are but just say that, somebody.. Somebody like Alex calls you trash. What would you think?

Josh: I'd think that he'd have to be called trash himself in order to know how his hurtful comments affect not just me but, possibly, other people.

Me: Like if you fall down or get a paper cut?

Josh: Yeah, I mean, when I get a paper cut, I learn something from that: Don't run your fingers through papers like it's not a big deal.

Me: What do you mean by that conclusion?

Josh: It's not the object itself that hurts you that teaches you, it's the blood running down your knee, running down your finger that teaches you not to do that. If the blood could speak, it'd be saying, "You feel that sharp pain in your finger or knee? You're alive, you have a soul, if you do any of that stupid shit like run your finger through loads of papers again, I'mma make you bleed out a lot more than I usually do.. Bitch."

Me: Well, thanks, it really helped.

Josh: Are you just saying that?

Me: No, I get the moral but I don't know how to define the moral in metaphors.

Josh: You'll be fine, you're Tyler Joseph, there's a lot more to you than that scared Senior who still hasn't gotten used to anybody except Jenna and I.. And maybe, your brother and Hayley.

Me: I know but it takes time, ya know?

Josh: Yeah, I suppose it does.

Me: See you tomorrow.

Josh: You too.

So, he basically said that the blood you bleed is caused by your own mistakes but it's also to remind you that you're alive, not non-existent.

Now, I have a headache, when I think too much, there's a sort of fury in the back of my brain that does hurt, however, it does push me forward. That's the moral I have to define, see, one step closer to the lyrics.

Courtesy Of BlurryfaceWhere stories live. Discover now