Chapter Two

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~the next day~

I woke up. It's time to start fresh at Star Academy. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window, it was cloudy today. The sky looked gloomy so I looked gloomy too. Sometimes the weather changes my emotions. If it's a bright sunny day I will be happy. If it's a dark and rainy day then I will be upset. If it's cloudy then I will be gloomy. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Why was I even born? I hated myself. I didn't like myself. I thought I would be a loner forever.

~at school~

I entered the school. Damn, this sure is a prestigious school. Everything was bright and colourful.

A couple of girls were staring at me and giving me dirty looks, except for one girl. She walked up to me with a grin.

"Heyyyy I'm Felecia and welcome to Star Academy! Do you need any help?" She asked me as she linked arms with me.

"Uh..Uhm... Yeah I need help to Uhm... Go to the administers' office." I felt uncomfortable with her arm linked to mine.

"The the administers' office we go!" She said delightfully. Maybe this school isn't that bad.

"Here we are!" She said to me.

"Thank you, Felecia, is it?"

"Yup, and you're...?" She asked me.

"Natalie." I smiled.

"Ah, it's a nice name." She smiled back and waved goodbye as she skipped off into the distance.

I went to sign up in the office and the teacher told me my schedule, "The first period is Math, then science, then history, after that is break time, then you have PE, then English, then lunch, then you have swimming class, then band. You may choose your instrument now."

"Uhh do you have violins?"

"Yes we do, please wait as I get your music books and your violin." She said as she walked away.

I had some experience in playing the violin from Mayflower High School. I actually playing it.

She came back with books and a violin. "Here you go, please be careful with the violin since this instrument is very delicate."

"Thank you, and I will." I bowed. I took the stuff and went outside of the office. I stored my violin and books into my new locker. It was already set with my subject books. The bell rung, time for math. I grabbed out my math book and off I went to class C. C was the lowest class, I don't know why I was put in there cause I thought I was pretty smart ya know. I came to this school when midterms are about to start. Great, now I have to study my butt off.

~after school~

Felecia came back. I was happy to see her since she was my first friend at this school.

"Heyyyyy ;)" she greeted me with a grin.

"Ayeee, which class are you in?" I asked curiously.

"I'm in class A, with BTS!!! But I'm more of a Got7 fan yanno." She said.

"Ah I see. Wanna come over today? I want you to meet someone. I think you're fated to be together ;)."

"Yey, I'm excited to meet them! ^.^" she jumped around like a little kid. She will sure be bffs with Chloe haha.

'Hey Chloe can you come over today? I want you to meet someone. I think you guys were fated to be together.'

Chloe: omomono. Is is a guy?

'Wtf no.'

Chloe: Aweee ;( and yeah sure I'll be there in 10minutes.


"Felecia, let's go!"

"Kyahhhhh I'm so excited!"

~at house~

I unlocked the door and let Felecia go in first. Chloe is gonna be here soon.

I grabbed a bowl and poured cereal and milk in it. I was hungry hehe. I got a spoon and I sat on the couch. I started eating, then someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door and there she was, Chloe!

"Heyyyyyy ;)" I said.

"Omomomomo where is the person that's is my faith?!?" She sounds excited.

"Felecia meet my bestie, Chloe. Chloe meet my new friend, Felecia ;)."

They shook hands and smiled at each other.

"Omomomo, do you like Got7?! :OOO" Felecia asked her.

"...I LOVE THEM. YOUVE BECOME MY INSTANT OTHER BESTIE :o." Chloe squealed and started to jump like a maniac.

"Call me faith... Cause I brought you two together ;)" I said and chucked.

They both hugged me tightly. Am I a teddy bear or something?

"So now that we are here.. Let's study for midterms :DD" Chloe suggested and I nodded.

"Great idea!" I said as I grabbed my backpack and linked arms with the two. I lead them upstairs to my study room.
Yayayayayayay I finished chapter two! Do you enjoy my story so far? I might update tonight or maybe tomorrow idk lol. Shout out to starsxshine and flcbui lol.
See you next time!
{edited: 3/17/2017}

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