Chapter Ten

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Natalie POV

Nooooooo! School is today! Crying. Yeah. It's Monday morning. I struggle every time. I got up half asleep and walked into the bathroom. Blah blah blah. Did my morning routine and yeah. All set. I packed my bad with the homework and yeah. Midterms are today. So not ready -.-. I hope I get a high mark this time because last time I got a B-. Oh well.

-at school-

Walking past the gates to the school. I see Felecia and friends :). And then I see someone else... CHLOE. OMOMO.


"I transferred :)" she said as I literally attacked her with a tight hug.

"Help... Suffocating.." She managed to say as she was gasping for air.

"Oops hehe." I let her go.

Then someone covered my eyes and said, "Guess who I am?" Golly. This person is trying to speak with their aegyo voice. Too cute oh mah gawd >.<.

"Jimin! :)" I smiled as he took his hands off my eyes and turned me around.

He took my hand as we walked our way to the hallway. You can just hear our friends gushing behind us while girls are giving me dirty looks. Eh whatever. He walked me to my locker and after we bid our farewells. I got my necessary things and walked to the classroom.

argh so nervous. We have two hours to do our midterms >.<. Crying. And it begins........ Now.


Huhuhu. We just finished. I probably failed it miserably.

"Hey you," An unknown girl approaches me, "Yes you."

"May I help you?"

"Yes you may. Break up with Jimin. He's mine. Or else something bad is going to happen." She said then spat on me.

Wow she must be a nice person huh? I don't know who she is... But I'll never break up with Jimin because of a jealous girl -.-. Anyway. We have our break right now and there's going to be part two of midterms afterwards. Let's spend some time with Jimin! :D.

I looked to the left and saw Sianna and Jungkook holding hands. The immediately let go as they saw me stare at them. They both smiled at me as if I saw nothing. Oh well then. I'll shrug it off. I walked with then to the lunch tables.

I smiled as I saw Jimin. I ran up to him and sat next to him.

"Hi!" I said with a bright smile. He gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Hiiii! :)" he replied.

Sianna: oh mah gawd. SO cute!

Jungkook: agreed.

Hoseok: muahahhaha  I ship it.

Taehyung: the ship is sailing.

Me: shhhhh. And are you sure nothing is happening between you two? Jungkook and Sianna.

Sianna & Jungkook: We are just friends!

Natalie: friends hold hands?

-everyone gasp-


Sianna and Jungkook starts blushing. I knew it >:). That's how our conversation went at lunch. Back to more tests. :(.


After school. Yay.

"Bye guys!!" I said. Jimin and I then walk home together.

Unknown POV

"I want you to get her. I want you to catch her. I want you to torture her. I want you to make her suffer. Make her suffer... In return I'll give you $100,000..." I smiled. "Deal?"

"Deal." He said.

Hehe happy super late Chinese New Year. I had so many plans. I couldn't even say happy Chinese New Year to my wonderful readers. Anyway. 恭喜發財 (I hope I wrote that right. I suck at Chinese)! 身體健康!

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