Chapter Six

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"Hey Natalie! Sianna! Come sit with us!" As he patted the seats next to him.

Oh no..

"Sure!" Sianna said as she flashed a smile. -.- r u serious right now. Did she just agree. I facepalm her.

Sianna POV

Okay so like we are sitting at a table with Bangtan. Fangirling. I am like in love with Jungkook like HES SO ADORABLE. And he's also the closest to my age. Alright alright I'll stop fangirling.

It felt really awkward. I was just looking around while drinking my bubble tea.

"Sooooooo..." Natalie broke the silence. Now it feels more awkward.

"Oh right you guys didn't meet Natalie yet haha." Jimin said awkwardly. Why is everything so awkward RN.

"Oh yeah. Hi I'm Natalie. I just transferred here to Star Academy." Natalie said then grinned widely. Her smiles are pretty ;p.   She must think I'm an asshole of some sort though.

"..." I was looking around... This bubble tea place is colourful. I look over to Jungkook. I have this major crush on him, to be honest. He slowly turns his head to the direction where I am and we lock eye contact. I started to flush a bright pink. I broke the eye contact and quickly looked away so he won't see me.

Jungkook POV

I turned around to look at Sianna. I then realized that she was looking at me. She started to blush. Wah, so cuteeee~. Wait what. She then looked away. I feel my cheeks start to heat up, oh crap. I looked away and stared at the wall for a moment. Ahsjshsaidiajakaksjdhshs. The way that she was shy was so cute >-<. I can't be falling in love right?

Natalie POV

Awkwarddd~. I was silently drinking my bubble tea after trying to start a conversation which sorta failed.

"Alright Sianna and I have to be on our way now~! Cya guys at school hehe." I waved then smiled and took a quick glance at Jimin. Sianna also bid farewell to the members as they said goodbye.

-time skip-

We met up with the other girls and entered the limo.

"Ahh my legs are tired from running around from store to store." Felecia exclaimed as she stretched her arms and legs.

"I feel fat now, I had two bubble teas today and I didn't realize that until now." I said as I rubbed my stomach.

The rest of the ride was silent which made the atmosphere in the car very awkward.


"Bye guys! And nice to meet you three!" I said as I grinned widely. They waved back and said goodbye as I walked into my home sweet home.

I put down my shopping bags and plopped down on my couch while grabbing the remote controller. I turned on the tv and started to scroll down the channels to see if there's anything good to watch.


-next day-

I tossed and turned around in my bed trying to find a good position to fall asleep again. I didn't want to wake up to see this rainy day.

1 hour later I finally decided to get up. I turned to my left side to look at the clock an it read 9:19am. I hopped out of the bed and entered the bathroom. I did my morning routine and exited the bathroom.

Yay, breakfast! Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day because I love waffles and French toast. Hmm what shall I eat this morning? I'm lazy, so I'll just eat cereal.

Today I'm just gonna sit at home and study for midterms.


Ah it's sunny again! I stretched my arms and legs and got off my desk chair. I called Sianna to see if she wanted play basketball with me for fun. Does she even play basketball?

S: Hello?
Me: Hey. It's Natalie.
S: Oh hi! What's up?
Me: I was wondering if you wanted to play basketball at ______ park.
S: Oh sure! When?
I look over to the clock and it read 2:12.
Me: what about 2:30?
S: Sure!
Me: See you then!
S: Cya!
-end of call-

So let's go to the park to practice. I grabbed the basketball and started to walk to the park. The park was only 5 minutes away anyway.

-at the park-

I was starting to practice my lay-ups. I thought of what my coach taught me. Roll the ball, fake shoot, sweep, fast dribble to the net and top it off with a lay-up. I scored, yay! Then Sianna arrived.

"Wanna 1v1?" I asked and smirked at her.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna so win." She said competitively.

"Pft in your dreams." I gave her a death glare and then we started to laugh.

"Alright let's go!" I said.

We did Rock Paper Scissors and she won so she got first ball.

Sianna POV

Alright so I started with the ball and now I shall do a lay-up. I started to dribble past half court and she tried to block me but I crossed the ball under my legs which led to my left hand. I'm right-handed so it's sort of hard. I crossed in from of me this time to deke her out and fast dribble to the net to do a right-hand lay-up. I scored! Yay!

"2-0" I said out loud and smirked.

I passed her the ball and she started to dribble.


An hour later we decided to stop. I won haha 79-76. She accidentally fouled me then I took a foul shot  and scored. Then we decided to stop there.

"Good game!" I said while breathing heavily. That was very tiring.

"Want to practice a bit?" She asked abruptly.


We started off with the chest pass. After a while we did the over head pass. Then we practiced lay-ups and she taught my the routine her coach taught her. Roll the ball, fake shoot, sweep, fast dribble to the hoop and top it off with a lay-up. This was fun practicing with her since I loved basketball so much.

"Woah you guys can play?" A voice called out from the side. I turned around to see Jimin and Jungkook smirking.

"Oh yeah we can! And we can also beat you!"

"Pft it's on." Jungkook yelled as they walked to the court trying to act cool.

"Jimin! You got no jams! Stop trying to act cool!" Natalie stated solemnly then we burst into laughter as Jimin flushed red.


Ah I rushed to finish this on a school day <3 I love you all that's why! Ad yeah I do play basketball and that's what my coach taught me and my fellow teammates. Anyway hope you enjoyed this story <3

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