Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jimin POV

Jungkook stepped down from the wall. He sat there and cried. Natalie walked towards him, pulling me along. She kneeled down and hugged him. I stood for a moment before doing the same.

Minutes later, he ended up hugging us back. His little sniffles was heard as he cried into my shoulder.

He really was heartbroken.

1 month later

I took Natalie to her therapy group she attended to try to not be so traumatized about what happened a while back.

"See you later (:" I said with a smile.

She gave me a quick peck and said, "Bye!" 

Now time to catch up on what happened during the 1 month period.

Jungkook is still very depressed but is now smiling more often now, slowly trying to get over Sianna's death. He'd invite Natalie and I over to his apartment sometimes to hang out and talk about the most random things ever.  One time we were talking about breakfast foods. On the topic of breakfast foods, we started to make very dirty jokes. Yikes. That was a few days ago... The first time Jungkook has laughed in a while.

Natalie had started to attend therapy groups a few weeks back for the traumatizing thing that happened. She says she is getting better everyday and is not as traumatized as before. Our relationship? I think it's going smooth so far. Before she had ignored me for a whole week because she though I was cheating on her on the day she had went missing. She was scary when she was mad at me. Like an angry and sad mess. It took her a while to finally forgive me because she finally understands that she misunderstood me. For that whole week it was like living in hell beside I could not visit her because she requested not to see me. I couldn't even ask how she was doing .-.

And myself, I guess things have changed. I've started to dance! Lol betch you thought. I only know how to whip and nae nae, dab, and that's all probably. But for real though, I've started to sing. Not dance okay I suck at it .-. I guess that I got the whole group into it too. Three rappers and four vocals. We'd sing in a group covering songs and stuff like that. We would be starting our YouTube channel soon :P.

Minutes later

Oh! It's time to pick up Natalie now (:. I bought her some bubble tea before so it's time to give it to her now :D


Short chapter. Someone help me. Idk how to end this story XDDD I want to end it soon though. Should I maybe write a sequel too? Idk maybe not. But anyway I think this story is gonna end soon T-T

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