Chapter Three

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~next morning~

I woke up on my desk. Guess I fell asleep on my desk. Chloe and Felecia left already.

Today was Saturday, midterms are on Monday. Time to study more! I got up from my desk and I tripped on a wire from my computer. Great way to start the day, eh? I got up on I went to the bathroom.

~a little later~

I was hungry :I... i was craving bubble tea, so i got ready to go to the bubble tea store.

~at bubble tea store~

Hmm what should I get... Green tea vanilla cheesecake? Or taro? So hard! I decided to get taro cause I always drink green tea vanilla cheesecake.

"Hi can I get a taro bubble tea with pearls please?"

"Sure. Coming right up!" The waiter said.

"Here ya go. Enjoy." He gave me a smile.

"Ah thank you!" I smiled.

I turned around and 💥CRASHED💥 into some dude.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I went up to get napkins and started to wipe the spill drink stain on his white shirt. I started to hit myself on the head. I looked up and said sorry again but... It was a familiar face... Park JIMIN?!?!?? My mouth was hung wide open. So embarrassing. I tried to run off but he grabbed my wrist.

Jimin POV

Someone crashed into me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said as she went to grab napkins.

I looked at her. She was so... Beautiful. Her hair was black, long, and straight. She didn't have makeup on. She sure is a natural beauty. She looked embarrassed. She came back with a few napkins in her hand and started to wipe the stains on my shirt. After she was done she tried to run off but suddenly, I grabbed her wrist. She turned around and looked at me wide eyed.

"C-can we... Uh.. You know.. Be friends?" I stuttered. Oh gosh this was getting more awkward by the moment.

She just stared at me in shock.

Natalie POV

Did he just ask what I thought he asked? My bias just asked me if we could be friends. I was zoning out.

"No? Okay then." He said and started to walk away.

"Wait," I said.

He turned around, "sure! We can be friends!"

He smiled at me. "So let's get to know each other first." He said as he linked arms with me and walked to the park near us. I felt a bit awkward but i went along with it.

We sat on a bench nearby. There wast a lot of people, I liked it cause it was peaceful. I inhaled and exhaled the air around me. Winter was coming soon and this park wouldn't be very beautiful. Autumn always gives the environment a little colour.

"So uh... What's your name?" Jimin started.

"I'm Natalie :). Nice to meet you!" I smiled.

"That's a beautiful name :)." He smiled back. I could feel my cheeks heat up. I looked away to hide my face >.<.

Jimin POV

She started blushing, then she looked away. Omg, like I can't right now. So cute >.<.

"So what type of hobbies do you do?" I broke the silence.

"Oh uh... I like to sing and draw. That's it basically, I know I'm very boring. What about you?"

"I don't know haha. I sing and play basketball that's all. I'm very bad at drawing though haha." I awkwardly laughed. I must've sounded like a retarded seal.

"I see... So what's-- oh my phone is ringing, just a sec." She took out her phone from her bag.

Natalie POV

Wow Felecia. Great timing. I'm on a date with Jimin! Uhm I mean hanging out with him!


"Dude where are you? Do you wanna go shopping with me, Chloe, and a few other friends I want you to meet?" She said plainly.

"Ah... Yeah sure what time? 2pm? Hehe 2PM... Get it?" My gosh I sound stupid.

"Yeah sure we'll be picking you up. Cya later buttcheek ;)"

"How dare you call me a buttcheek when you're the buttcheek here?!"


She hung up on me. Thanks Felecia.

(a/n: bAI FELECIA)
(a/n pt2: i know its Felicia)

I looked back at Jimin but he wasn't there... Was I talking for that long?


"ARGHAGAAAAAH!" I screamed.

"I got us ice cream hehe." He smiled sheepishly.

"YOU SCARED ME YOU STUPID IDIOT!" I smacked his head and grabbed the ice cream and took a bite.

"Ow." He rubbed his head. I kinda feel bad now :(.

"Omomomo. Are you hurt? Did I hit you that hard?"

He pouted and looked away. So adorbable ^o^.


End of chapter! I hopes you enjoyed it :3. And Natalie, in this story I made you beautiful but irl you still are beautiful just like a green fluffy bush :P.

Cya later and happy thanksgiving to all them Canadians who have thanksgiving earlier than America.

{edited 05/01/2017}

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