The Mystery of Men

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"Lovino, what the hell are you doing?" Esmeralda had been searching the large house after hearing Spain call for her from some anomymous place down stairs. Door after door she's opened and to no avail, no Spain. She opened the door to a room that served no perpous actually. Just a large empty room with a clear roof to let all the sunlight in, maybe Spain was hoping to do some renovation and turn it into something useful, or maybe he just wanted an empty room in his house.

Lovino however, was making great use of it. Inside this empty room sat Lovino in a cirlce of freshly made candles and trying to touch his toes.

"It's called yoga, it helps you get in touch with your inner self or some shit. I'm cleansing Esmeralda; I heard that so much negative energy makes you unnatractive and I can't risk that" he said matter-of-factly as he slid into downward dog.

"Are you serious, because you look like youre trying to summon the devil" she snorted as she leaned against the door frame and watched as his face contorted into one of discomfort.

"Yes, yoga is an actual thing and is highly intesive, not for everyone" he shut his eyes tight, trying to surpass the pain, oh poor unflexible Lovino.

"I see..." Esmeralda smirked and found amusment in his failed attempts, but she had to give him credit for trying so hard.

"Oh shut up, I wouldn't expect any of you dumb Hispanics to know anything about yoga" he rolled his eyes as he stretched his arms up to the sky as if he was reaching for something. "What are you doing anyways?"

Oh thats right, Esmeralda had completly forgot about her search. "Looking for Antonio, he said he had something to show me" she examined the golden cross on her neck, watching the way is shined almost too brightly in the sun as its rays hit it in certain angles.

"Yeah he probably wants to show his dick. A waste of time if you ask me. You should come do some yoga with me instead" he glanced up at her from his new pose. "Hey isn't that the cross he gave you when you first came over here" she nodded and he continued as he sat on the ground, taking a break. "Shit, I'm surprised you still have that"

She shrugged, "Why not? Anyways, I should start looking for him again. You just continue doing your yoga or...yeah whatever, see ya" and before Romano could protest, she turned her heel and shut the door.

She continued walking around the house for a few minutes more before she came across the second set of stairs, but this one led two a long corridor unlike the one on the other side of the house that led to her and Romano's bedroom. She walked along it, looking at all the paintings and stained glass windows. Just as soon as her hand touched the cold handle of the nearest door, Spain jumped out of it.

"Oh there you are Esmeralda! Quickly, come in!" he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room, closing the door behind her. He grinned widely, obviously excited about something, but Esmeralda had no clue why. The room they were standing in looked just like any other storage room. Cabinets and chests holding who knows what and drawers stuffed with letters collected over the centuries. She scanned the room and then turned back to Antonio who appeard as if sunshine was going to sprout out of him.

"What" she simply stated, blinking as she realized Spain wasnt aching to explain to her his choice on new wallpaper for a room no one used. Instead, he immediatly went over to a sack filled letters and pulled out at least three of them. He held them up to the light, squinting as he read the adress that was sloppily written down in black ink. As if by some assurance, he nodded to himself and stood up.

"Yup! These are the ones! Here, take them" he smiled as he outsretched his hand, beckoning Esmeralda to take the letters. Esmeralda didnt move an inch; well except for the ones on her face that grew from suspicion as she looked from the Spaniards face to the three letters in his hand. He seemed to get tired of this and with a huff, planted them in her hand. "They're yours. Well actually, they are for me, but they are about you-your place, and I decided you deserve to know how things are going over there"

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