12. Curtis - Son of Captain America

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     I get in front of Nikki, Bolt, and Brittany to protect us with my shield. After the debris is clear, we exit the bathroom with caution.

"Ethan! Ethan!" Nikki calls.

"Nichole?" Dad calls.

"Dad?" I ask.

We see a grey monster leap to us from downstairs. Nichole screams and panics, while Bolt strikes it with his thunder powers. I turn to him.

"Electricity is faster than metal." He says.

"Yeah... Tell me about it."

More monsters come upstairs for us. I toss my shield at one of them, which strikes one of them dead. My shield returns back to me like a boomerang. Bolt keeps killing others with his electricity powers, while I keep on fist fighting others with Brittany. Brittany breaks the arm of one of them, twisting it, later kicking it in the chest.

"Wow Brittany!" I exclaim.

A monster shoves me on the ground, almost stomping on my head, till I protect myself with my shield. Brittany pulls out her gun from her pocket, shooting at the monster. It shrieks, later dying. Brittany helps me up with Nikki.

"Thanks, Captain." Nikki says, smiling.

I nod, giggling.

"Don't call me Captain. My dad is. I'm just a soldier." I say.

"Hey! Kids! You need to get out of here! Now!" Hawkeye commands.

"Coming, Dad!" Nikki exclaims.

We rush down stairs, still fighting monsters. When we get downstairs, we see Natasha, Dad, and Hawkeye downstairs, standing in place and panting.

"C'mon!" Dad exclaims.

"Okay!" I reply.

We get outside, seeing a grey portal in the sky with monsters coming out of it.

"Is that another portal designed by Loki?" Bolt asks.

"No. It's from Drivas." Dad answers.

"So, how do we take it out?" I question.

"That's Thor's and Stark's job." Hawkeye answers. "We're left here to fight."

"Dad- where's Ethan?" Nikki asks.

Hawkeye looks at her wordless.

DRIVAS - An Avengers FanFiction [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat