21. Tony - Iron Man

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     I'm flying through the city, searching for monsters. The monsters that Loki probably left on earth- again. But I can't help from thinking about Avril. I wonder if she's alright...

"Guys, nothing's here so far." I inform.

"Where's A.J.? Is she alright?" Ethan asks.

Geez, ever since I met Ethan, he's been so goggleyed for Avril. I don't understand why he calls Avril A.J., but whatever.

"I don't know. But I do know I'm not letting you touch Avril while I'm alive." I say. "And stop calling her A.J.!"

"Stark, stop playing! Now isn't the time for that!" Rogers orders.

"Okay... Okay... Let me see if Avril alright..." I say. "Jarvis, do a body scan of Avril. Please?"

"Yes, sir... According to the scan, Avril is dying."

"Wait what?"

I can't believe that. I hope Jarvis isn't right. Besides, how can she be dying? She doesn't even have a chest reactor like I do!

"Avril is dying, sir. Her chest reactor has been pulled out." Jarvis repeats.

"So... She does have one like I do?"

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me how to get there, Jarvis. I got to save my kid."

"I'm sorry? A.J. is dying?!" Ethan asks.

"Yes! She is! Just shut up and fight!"

One of the dragon things return, it blocks my way, coming for me.

After I say one of Captain's least favorite words, he shouts, "LANGUAGE!"

I go in the opposite direction. This thing is following me.

"The creatures are back!" I exclaim.

"I know! There's a ton of them!" Natasha replies.

"This is like fighting Loki all over again..." Clint sighs.

The creature almost gets to me, but Starlord's ship crashes into it. I turn around, looking down at the ship.

"Whoa! Starlord!" I exclaim.

"Go! Get out of here!" Starlord commands.

"We got this!" Rocket Raccoon exclaims.

"Uh... Okay. Thanks!"

I take off, flying through the city.

"We're close to A.J., sir." Jarvis says.

"Jarvis, why are you calling Avril A.J.?"

"Because she commanded me, sir. Also, when you connected me to her suit, you gave her direct access for her to do whatever she wanted with me."

"Okay... Let's just find A.J."

Jarvis leads me to the party. It's complete deserted and destroyed. I enter the building.

"Avril!" I call, looking for her in the room. "Avril! Avril!"

So far I haven't found her yet. I'm worried as hell, and she's scaring me to death.

"Avril! Where are you?" I ask.

I go to the main bar, seeing Avril lying on a broken table. She does have a chest reactor. It's been masked under fake skin, and it doesn't have lights on 24/7 like mine.

"Avril!" I scream.

I pick her up, checking to see what happened to her. I find an open hole in her chest that looks like mine- but the chest reactor is gone. I can't believe she has one like mine. Jarvis was right.

"Oh no..." I sigh.

Drivas did this. I have to take A.J. home. A.J. is in a coma right now. I can probably wake her up, if I can get home.

"Hang in there A.J." I say, cradling her in my arms, and darting out of the building.

I cradle her in my arms like she's a baby all over again- a baby, that's really grown up- a ton. And a baby that could die, if I don't save her soon.

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