29. A.J. - Daughter of Iron Man

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     "Well, that went well." Nick said.

"Yeah... Looks like we're all going our separate ways." Nikki replies.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Whelp. Let the games begin." I say.

"To be honest, I'll miss being around you guys every day. Even though I may change into a green monster- with you guys, I'm a gentle giant." Nick replies.

"Aw... Nick! You've gotten calmer!" Ethan exclaims.

"Ethan... Stop! Don't let Nick and Dr. Banner attack you!" I hiss.

"It's okay. I get that it's a joke." Nick assures.

Dr. Banner, Black Widow and Captain America gets in our talk.

"Okay, Nick. Let's go." Dr. Banner says.

"Yeah... Bye guys." Nick says and waves.

I smile and wave back with Brittany.

"Bye Nick!"

"C'mon guys." Black Widow says.

"We got some work to do all by ourselves." Captain America adds.

"Mommy, do we really have to leave?" Brittany asks.

"Yeah Brittany, you got to go." I answer.

She hugs me, crying. Darn it! This is so heart breaking!

"I'm gonna miss you A.J.!" She exclaims.

"I know, I'll miss you too..." I assure.

Black Widow takes Brittany, and she nods at me and smiles.

"Thanks Avril." She says.

"You're welcome."

I see Curtis hugging Ethan goodbye, while he waves goodbye.

"Bye A.J.!" He exclaims.

"Bye!" I reply.

He walks to Captain America's motorcycle, while holding his dad's hand. Black Widow and Brittany get into Hawkeye's car, and of course, Nikki follows; because she doesn't like me. I see Pepper waiting in the car with my dad. Dad honks the door, and parks the car at least 5 feet away from us.

"C'mon! We have to go!" Pepper exclaims.

I don't really like Pepper. I met her before. She's kind of annoying to be honest. Oh well, maybe it's because I don't know her much, yet. I glance at her.

"Coming! I just have to say goodbye!" I shout.

I look back at Ethan. He crosses his arms, and yawns.

"So, you're going back with your dad?" He asks.

"Yeah. It won't be the same like last time, but, hopefully it's better."

"Who knows? Maybe you and Pepper will be friends."

"And maybe Hawkeye could teach you more about archery! Besides, how do you know Pepper?"

"Dad told me. He thinks she's an airhead."

I cover my mouth and giggle with him.

"Ethan!" I hiss.

"That's what he said, okay?" He laughs.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders, while I lean on him, giggling.

"I'm gonna miss you..." I say.

"I'll miss you too." He replies.

I get off of him, and eventually stop laughing.

"I have to go." I tell Ethan.

I plan to get with Pepper and Dad in the car, but Ethan grabs me by my hand and pulls me in- for a kiss. I widen my eyes and blush. I try getting out of it, but he holds me close by wrapping an arm around my waist. I hear a whistle and a few laughs. I wrap my arms on his shoulders, and place my hands on the back of his neck. I close my eyes and embrace the kiss, instead of fighting it.

"What the?" My dad shouts.

"Aw..." Pepper says.

At the end of the kiss, Ethan placed a hand on my cheek.

"I don't want you to go." He replies.

Everyone but Dad laughs.

"It shows!" I giggle.

"Aw..." Natasha says.

"Ha-ha!" Hawkeye chuckles.

Ethan and I smile at each other, later laughing. He leans his head against my head.

"Avril! C'mon!" Dad exclaims.

"I'm sorry Ethan I really have to go." I say.

"Alright, go ahead." He sighs.

I kiss him on the lips again before I leave, which makes everyone laugh even more. Ah... I'm gonna miss getting that. I get in the back of the car, waving goodbye to everyone. I'm going to miss living with kids younger and older than me. But, now my curiosity living with my Dad and his wife again

"Is he a good kisser?" Pepper asks.

"Pepper..." Dad sighs.

I laugh, covering my mouth.

"Yeah..." I nod.

"Don't ever kiss anyone like that again." Dad commands. "Only Pepper and I can do that."

"But what about salt?"

Dad squints.

"You know- salt- pepper?" I explain.

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