Chapter 24

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I think I want to try a piña colada, Ambers looked pretty good, I wonder if they're having a good time. I'll find out after I finish my drink, I don't want there rude looks. "Hi!" I say with a smile sitting on one of the blue bar stool, the man looks over with a bored expression

"Can I see your ID?" He asks

"Well" I draw out "you see my friend Caden is friends with-"

"You're friends with Caden? Lord Marcus's second in command" he asks worried

I start historically laughing at his comment, usually I would be questioning his insane remark but I'm trying to keep the buzz alive "what are you talking about?" I say after calming down my laughter but still I can't help but chuckle

"Oh I'm sorry I just assumed you were...never mind"

"Yeah, you see I was kinda Marcus's girlfriend. I mean we never went out but I don't know. I thought we were together at least, but then he kinda dumped me when we were supposed to go on our date. I'm still not over him at all so that's pretty much why I'm here with another guy and drinking. Even though I swore I would never drink. But I want to get over him and stop thinking about him and it's kinda workings that's why I need another drink" I ramble on and on unable to stop the words from pouring out of my mouth, I tell him all of this like he's my therapist

"Yeah I've heard about your story" he says

"Really, how?"

"I know Marcus, well kinda he's a boss type figure, but trust me he's doing it for your own good" he tells me

"That's what's everyone is telling me" I say dramatically

What I really want to say is that he isn't doing it for my own good. If he wants me to be happy than he would be with me, but I just smile not wanting to get down. He lets out a sigh like he wants to say something else but he just nods "what can I get you?" He asks nicer this time

"Piña colada?" I ask

He nods and goes back over to the many bottles of alcohol and starts pouring different one in a cup. I spin around to see the club and look at all the happy drunk people dancing. When my eyes scan the place I see Caden on the phone back up in our booth. Jade being her nosey self is on her tip toes trying to listen, still not being able to reach his ear even in her heels. I then search for Amber and Luke, finding it almost impossible with this many people in the club.

"Here you go girly" the bartender says handing me my yellowish drink with a pink umbrella and a pineapple stuck on the bottom"what was your name again?"

"I'm sorry, I'm Rose" I say extending my hand out to him he takes it and shakes it

"It an honor to meet you, I'm Joseph" he says almost bowing his head I giggle at the gesture and nod to him

"You too Joseph" I say removing my hand from his and taking a sip of my new drink "this is amazing thank you!" I say with my drunkin smile

"My pleasure" he says and walks away with a kind smile

I keep sipping on my frozen fruity drink, very much enjoying it. I wonder where Scott is, he's been gone a while but then again it's hard to find anything in here, I shrug it off and keep drinking. I look back up to the booth and both Caden and Jade are gone, maybe they're actually having fun and dancing instead of pestering me about drinking. I spot Amber and Luke, they look like they're having fun at least, they're dancing over by the other side of the club.

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