Chapter One

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Riley hummed along with the music in the record shop as she dug through the collections. She grimaced as she noticed how chipped her black nail polish looked. She’d definitely have to repaint them when she got home. “Can I help you with anything miss?” A boy’s voice asked making her look up from the record she held. “No I’m good, thanks anyway.”She smiled skimming through the records more. Ever since she got to London a month ago she hadn’t met one rude person. It was starting to scare her especially coming from Ireland where it was weird if you weren’t rude in some sense.

She grinned as she came across a Jimi Hendrix record. “Just what the doctor ordered.”She said to herself as she put it under her armpit holding it with her arm, while she searched for more. “Riley? Riley Bennet?” Riley looked up confused. She didn’t know anybody in London. Or at least that’s what she thought. “Niall?” The blonde boy smiled, his blue eyes sparkling as he did so. “How are you?”He asked walking towards her. “I’m fine. What are you doing in London? Aren’t you supposed to be on some world tour or whatever?” She asked in a monotone voice. “I’m on break. What are you doing here?” He asked oblivious to her obvious discomfort. She would rather be anywhere else in the world than talking with Niall Horan. “I’m here for school. I got accepted at London College of Music.” He nodded with a smile. “That’s really cool. Congrats. Are you staying at the dorms?”He asked curious. “No. I have a flat.” She commented taking the record from under her armpit. “I have to go now. Nice talking to you Niall.”She said swiftly turning around and heading to the counter.

“Wait Riley!” He called following her up to the counter. “We should catch up sometime.”He said watching her as she pulled a rolled up ball of money from her pocket and paid for her record. “I don’t think so Niall.” She said avoiding eye contact as she took the bag from the cashier turning around to walk away. “Why not? I haven’t seen you in years.” Niall asked continuing to follow her. “It just wouldn’t be a good idea. Our worlds don’t exactly collide anymore.” She shrugged opening the door ignoring the flashing cameras from paparazzi that had followed him to the shop. “But they could!”He yelled through the fans and paps. “No Niall, they can’t.” Riley called back just before she hopped in her car. “They can’t.”She whispered as she drove away not giving a second glance at the boy who was currently preoccupied signing things for his fans. “They never could.”She sighed focusing on the road. 

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