Chapter Ten

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                “Wow look at it.” Becca said as she poked her friend’s stomach. Riley had the tiniest baby bump. So tiny it just looked like she had eaten a lot prior to this. “Stop poking me.” Riley groaned smacking her friend’s hand away. “It’s going to get obvious soon.” Niall sighed from his spot on their couch. “So? This baby bump is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” Becca cooed poking Riley’s stomach again. “Who’s a cute baby? Who’s a cute baby?” She asked laughing. “It’s not a baby yet Becca. Right now it’s a sea monkey.” Riley swatted her hands away again. “Right now it’s probably the ugliest thing ever.” She added sitting down next to Niall who imminently put his arm around her. “Oh whatever.” Becca rolled her eyes standing up straight. “I have to go to work. Don’t have too much fun.” She winked grabbing her jacket and walking out the door.

                “Is she always like that?”Niall asked. “Yes. All the time.” Riley nodded leaning back on the couch. “Well are we going to get you to this appointment or what?”Niall sighed standing up and stretching his arms. She held her hand out for him to help her up, which he did. Niall then grabbed his jacket and hers handing it to her. “I don’t really want to go but yes.” She sighed shrugging it on as he opened the front door allowing her to walk out first.


“Alright well according to what you’ve told me. You should be expecting your baby around March 20th. It’s healthy and I don’t see any problems with anything so far, so I guess I’ll see you in about 4 weeks for your first Ultrasound.” Dr. Conwell told Riley and Niall as they sat in one of the many check up rooms in the hospital. “Thanks Doctor.”Riley smiled standing up with Niall’s help.  “I’ll have someone call to remind you a few days before your appointment.”He smiled leading them back out the waiting rooms.

                “So what do you want?” Niall asked as they walked down the halls towards the exit. “What do you mean?”Riley asked looking at him. He shrugged. “I mean the baby. What do you want?”He asked. “A boy. I definitely want a boy. What do you want?” He shrugged again. “I don’t really care. A boy or a girl. I’ll love it either way.”

                “That’s sweet Niall.” Riley smiled as he wrapped his arm around her again. “So when are we going to tell the guys?”Niall asked as he helped her in the car walking around to get in the driver’s seat. “I don’t know. I guess it’s up to you. I mean they’re your band mates.” Riley shrugged buckling herself in. “I was thinking after the ultrasound.”He shrugged pulling out of the parking space. “Sounds fine to me.” She sighed looking out the window. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now