Chapter Eight

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                “I have my first doctor’s appointment in a couple of weeks. Do you want to be there?” Riley asked a she sat around Niall’s flat. He had invited her over to watch some movies and just catch up. “Of course I want to be there.” Niall said as he handed her a cup of tea. “I want to be there for everything.”

                “I’m surprised you’re so supportive.” Riley said as she took a sip of her tea. “Would you rather I be an absolute asshole about it?”He asked jokingly. “Supportive wins my vote all the way.” She grinned. “Figured it would.” He winked at her. “So what are we watching?”She asked wrapping a blanket around her legs as she got comfortable on his couch. “Shrek.” Niall said grabbing the remote and skipping through the previews. “My favorite.” Riley noted. “I know. That’s why we’re watching it.” Niall said as he took a seat next to her. “I’m surprised you remembered.” She said as she leaned into him. “How could I forget? You used to watch this movie like your life depended on it. I’m sure you can quote it word for word.” He playfully rolled his eyes.

“I can.” Riley laughed looking at the telly as the movie started.


                “So tell me about your band mates. What are they like?” Riley asked curious as she turned on the couch to face Niall. He was leaning on one arm of the couch and she was leaning on the other with her feet sitting in between his. “Well there’s Harry. He’s one of the most generous people I know. He just cares a lot you know? People say he’s just the cheeky man whore of the group but he’s really not. He’s cheeky yes but there’s a lot more to him than people realize. And then there’s Louis. Louis’ one of the funniest people I know. He told me one time that he likes to make at least one person smile a day so that we he knows he brightened up somebody’s day. Zayn’s considered the mysterious one and I guess he is. He’s quiet until you get to know him and then he’s one of the funnest people to be around. Then there’s Liam. He’s the most mature out of all of us I guess you could say but I think we’ve successfully corrupted him.  He’s probably my best friend.  They’re all my brothers. I don’t consider them friends. We’re family.”

                “Wow. You really care about them yeah?”Riley asked and Niall nodded. “It’s an unspoken thing you know? We’re family whether by blood or not.”

                “I wish I had something like that.” Riley sighed. “Yeah… Well what about you? How’s this whole DJ thing going?” Niall asked reversing the conversation so it was about her. “Classes suck. The hours are long, but hopefully it will be worth it. Who knows maybe one day I’ll help One Direction produce some of their music.” She joked but he could see the hope in her eyes. The hope of actually getting to help big name celebrities produce music.

“Maybe.” He smiled at her. “Yeah well that’s far from now but a girl can dream right?”She asked with a yawn at the end. “Yeah. Are you getting tired? Because if you are I can shut this lamp light off and we can just crash?” Niall asked concerned. “Just a little bit.”  Riley replied yawing again. “Ok.” He chuckled reaching over and shutting the lamp off. He grabbed a blanket and through it over himself as he curled up into his side of the couch. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now