Chapter TwentyTwo

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~Two Months later~

                A knock was heard at the flat door interrupting Riley and Becca’s movie night. Becca groaned and looked at Riley who rolled her eyes and stood up to answer it. “Hello.”Niall winked at her catching the door as she tried to slam it in his face. “Geez calm down on the loving.”He said sarcastically as he walked in the flat. “Hey Becca.”He greeted the confused girl. Riley glared at him with her arms crossed.

“What are you doing here? You can’t just waltz in here after not talking to me for Two whole months.” She said and he sighed. “Yeah I know. I’ve just been a bit busy, but I’ve been meaning to come by.” He said with a serious face.

                “Oh?” Riley raised her eye brows. “Yeah. Look it’s important.”He sighed kneeling on one knee making Becca squeal. “Will you Riley Bennet please go on a date with me even though I know I don’t deserve it for not talking to you in forever?”Niall asked giving her puppy dog eyes. “You’re an idiot Niall Horan.”She said as he slowly stood back up. “You know I don’t like going on dates.”She said with a serious face. “I was thinking of it more as eating dinner at my place and watching movies till we fall asleep.”He said rubbing the back of his neck.

                “Then in that case, I’d love to.”She said causing him to grin and scoop her up in a hug. “This time no sex though please.” Becca said from the couch causing both of them to roll their eyes at her. “What just saying.”She shrugged. “I mean if you do though. Use protection. It’s ok.”Becca continued with a  cheeky grin.

                “Riley.”Niall whispered looking back at her. “Yeah?” She asked turning her attention back to the boy who held her in a hug. “I’m sorry for everything.”He whispered ducking his head down and kissing her. “Aww! It’s too cute for words!”Becca cooed from the couch as she pretended to fan herself before “fainting “on the cushions. Riley giggled at her friend as she broke away from Niall who was grinning at her. “I’ll see you later beautiful.”He winked slowly walking out the front door.

                “YEAH BUDDY!” Was heard as soon as the door shut making the girls laugh. “He really likes you . You know?” Becca told her now with a serious face. “Yeah I know.” Riley sighed. “I really like him too.”

                “Good.”Becca smiled. “Don’t mess it up this time.”She playfully glared. “You guys are my OTP.” Riley rolled her eyes and threw a couch pillow at her friend starting a pillow fight.

~The End~ 

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