Chapter Seventeen

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                “Becca.”Riley slowly walked into the living room a little over an hour later. “Riley are you ok?”Becca asked standing up as soon as she saw the discomfort on her friends face. “No. Becca I’m bleeding.”

                “No.No.No.No.No.” Becca started repeating as she ran around the flat grabbing random things and shoving them in a bag. “Put the sweatshirt on.”Becca said handing it to her. “I’m going to call Niall. Let’s get you to the car.” Becca said in a hurry as she quickly tried helping her friend to the car. “Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.” She muttered as she balanced the phone with her chin and shoulder. “Niall! It’s an emergency. Yes. It’s Riley. She laid down for a nap and came out a few minutes ago and told me she was bleeding. Yeah, I’m taking her there now. Ok. Ok. Just hurry.” She sighed hanging up and started the car. “Am I going to be ok?”Riley asked close to tears as she stared at the side of Becca’s head. “You’re going to be fine. Everything’s going to be fine.”Becca said giving her a small smile.


                “Niall mate is everything alright?” Liam asked noticing the look of panic on his face. “No. It’s Riley. Louis!”He shouted getting his friends attention. Louis looked up from his phone and stood up quickly. “What’s going on?”He asked walking over to the two of them. “It’s Riley . Becca just called and she’s bleeding. I have to go.” Niall said looking around the room in a panic. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with her?”Liam asked confused. “Go mate. I’ll explain everything. We’ll be there as soon as possible.” Niall nodded and grabbed his jacket quickly running out the door. “What was that all about?”Zayn asked as he and Harry walked over to them. “Look guys, long story short. Riley’s pregnant and Niall’s the father.”

                “What!” They all shouted not believing it. “Yeah ok and she’s bleeding which can only mean one thing. That something’s wrong with the baby. So we have to leave ASAP.” Louis spoke already grabbing his stuff.  “You heard the man, let’s go.” Liam snapped at Harry and Zayn who stood there shocked.


                “Riley.” Doctor Conwell sighed as he walked into the room. Becca was sitting next to her holding her hand. “Am I going to be ok? Is the baby ok?” Riley asked nervous fearing the answer. “I’m sorry Riley but it appears you’ve had a miscarriage.” Doctor Conwell sighed again putting his hand on her shoulder. “But you said he was healthy! You said.” Riley started and ended in a nervous hyperventilation before breaking down bawling. “I’m here!”Niall ran in the door out of breath. “What’s going on?”He asked looking around. “Niall.” Becca shook her head as she wiped the tears that were going down her cheeks. “She lost him.”Becca said before standing up. “Excuse me.”She whispered walking out of the room. Niall quickly took her seat next to the bed. “I’ll give you some time alone.”Doctor Conwell said in a quiet voice as he exited the room. “Riley.”Niall whispered wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him. “He said he was healthy. He said he was.”She cried into his shoulder not wanting to believe it.

                “Becca what’s going on?”Louis asked as the rest of One Direction ran up to her in the hall. “She lost the baby.” Becca sighed sitting down in one of the waiting chairs. “No.” Louis whispered staring at the room at the end of the hall where obvious crying was coming from. “I couldn’t be in there any longer.” Becca said in a quiet voice whipping her tears. “They’re heartbroken.”

                “I’ll be right back.”Harry spoke in an equally quiet voice as he walked down the hall towards the room. Right as he got there he looked in to see Niall speaking to Riley. “I’ll be right back. I’ll come right back.”He whispered kissing her forehead. Riley nodded and laid back down on the bed as she continued to cry. Niall stood up and walked out of the room. “Niall.”Harry started but stopped when his friend shook his head. Niall stood up against the wall with his forearms on both sides of his head as he glared at it. “She wanted a boy.”He spoke. “We hadn’t discussed names yet but she wanted a boy. We were going to tell you guys tonight.”Niall talked as he glared at the wall. “She wanted a boy!”He shouted as he threw his fist into the wall making Harry and any surrounding people flinch from the sudden outburst. “She wanted a boy.” He repeated as he slid down the wall not being able to keep the tears in any longer. Harry sighed and sat down next to his friend as he hugged him. “It’s going to be ok Niall. I don’t know how or when things will get better but they will. I promise.”He whispered. 

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