Chapter Fifteen

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                “So how’d it go?”Niall asked as soon as he opened his door to let Riley in. “It went fine.” She chuckled showing him the envelope. “The Ultrasound’s in here. I haven’t looked at it yet other than what I saw on the screen while I was there.” He nodded and helped her take his sweatshirt off. They sat down on the couch and she handed Niall the envelope allowing him to open it. “Wow.”He whispered looking at it. “What do you know you have a baby inside of you.” Riley laughed and looked at the picture. “I think he’s beautiful.” She smiled. “Yeah.”Niall nodded agreeing.


                “You’re such an idiot Brandon!”Fifteen year old Riley shouted trying to walk away from her boyfriend of 5 months. “Ahh come on Ri don’t be like that.” He called grabbing her wrist trying to pull her back. “Let go of me. I’m going home.” She said as she tried to rip her hand from his hold. “I mean it Brandon let go.” She said smacking his hand trying to get him to release his hold. “Ri let’s just talk about this.”He said pulling her into him. “What’s to talk about? It’s over. Now let go of me.” She glared at him.

                “It’s not over! You can’t just break up with me.” He glared back. “Well it sounds like she just did.” Niall said glaring at him as he and Sean walked up to the two. “Get out of here Horan.” Brandon glared at him. “Why don’t you make me?”Niall asked crossing his arms. “I don’t think you want me to.” Brandon retorted. “I don’t know Niall, do you want him to?” Sean asked sarcastically. “It’s not like I have anything to lose.”Niall shrugged with a grin. Brandon rolled his eyes letting go of Riley’s wrist and walking up to Niall getting in his face. “You’re an idiot Horan. You just always have to get in between me and Riley.”

                “That’s because you’re always an absolute dick to her.” Niall glared at him. “Nobody asked you.” Brandon glared bringing his fist back and punching Niall. Which was a bad move considering Niall brought his head back up and punched him back just as hard sending them both rolling on the ground. “You ok Riley?”Sean asked walking up to the girl who had a tear going down her cheek. She nodded holding her wrist. “Can I see it?”He asked holding his hand out for her wrist. She sighed about to say no but instead she set her wrist in his hand. She had a red hand print around her wrist from how hard he was holding on to her. “Niall kick his ass!”Sean shouted above the noise of the fighting. 

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