Chapter Twenty

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                “Hey Boo.”Maya gave Riley a weak smile as she sat down on the swings next to her. “Hey.”Riley sighed staring at a group of little kids playing tag. “Your flat mate called me. I grabbed a flight as soon as I heard.” Maya told her looking at the laughing kids. “Yeah.”Riley blinked keeping her tears from falling again. “So you and Niall…I kind of always expected you two to…just not like this.”Maya trailed off awkwardly. “Yeah well a small part of me kind of expected too when we were younger. But I guess some things are just better in the movies.”

                “Yeah I guess.”Maya shrugged looking at her friend. “So I guess this is a bad time to tell you with everything and all but.. Sean proposed.” Riley’s eyes widened as her head snapped over to her best friend. “Oh my gosh Maya! That’s incredible. I’m so happy for you!” Riley smiled standing up and hugging her. “Yeah. In all honesty I thought he was breaking up with me.” Maya confessed embarrassed causing Riley to laugh.

“And if he had done that I would have flown home just so I could smack him across the face.” Riley said with a wink making Maya roll her eyes. “I wouldn’t doubt it. But I just want you to know you’re definitely my maid of honor. So you need to get home and pack so we can head home as soon as possible.”Riley sighed sitting back down on the swing. “I don’t know if I can just pack up and leave right now Maya. “A lot’s happened. I mean with Niall and me and SJ. I just don’t know.”

                “SJ?”Maya asked cocking her head to the side. “The baby. I wanted to name him Sean James. SJ.” Riley explained. “I’m sure Sean would have appreciated that.” Maya said sighing. “Yeah.”Riley nodded looking at the little kids again wondering how they had that much energy. “I still want you to be there.”Maya said gaining her attention again. “You’re my best friend. You can’t just not come.”

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