Chapter Eighteen

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                “Where is he?”Sixteen year old Riley asked looking around. “He’ll be here. I’m sure of it.” Maya told her with a sympathetic smile. “He better be. He promised.”Riley sighed looking at her friend. “Riley, Maya! Come inside girls.”Riley’s mom smiled at them. “Ok  Mom.”Riley sighed sitting up from the porch as she walked back in the house. “Look Sean came!”Maya smiled waving the boy over. “Where’s Niall?”She asked as soon as he walked over. “Sorry girls. He’s with Holly.” Sean said with a look that told he clearly didn’t want to be the one to break it to Riley. “Of course he is.” Riley sighed. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just go.” Riley sighed walking into the kitchen of her house with her friends following. “I’m gonna miss you Ri.”Maya sighed hugging her friend as they stared at the goodbye cake in the middle of the counter. “Yeah. I’m gonna miss you guys too. I just can’t believe I’m moving.” She sighed. “Hey Dublin’s not that far away. You can come visit.”Sean said lightly punching her arm. “I’ll defiantly come visit and you two better do the same.” She smiled hugging them.


“Stop the car.” Riley whispered to Niall as they drove back to the flat. He had offered to drive her home so Becca could go get some food and some rest. Niall pulled over as soon as the words left her mouth. “Are you ok Riley?”He asked concerned. “Just stop.”She whispered. “What?”He asked confused. “Stop acting like you care. I know you don’t ok. Just stop.” She spoke louder. “Of course I care Riley. It’s not an act.” He told her confused. “Yes it is! It’s always been an act. Let’s just do each other a favor and stop acting like we’re a couple because we’re not ok? The baby’s gone now. You can go back to your famous life without me. You can forget any of this ever happened.” She shouted as she opened the car door and stepped out. “Riley get back in the car.”He shouted through the open window. “No. None of this was real. Ok. So let’s just stop pretending that it is. I’m going home, don’t bother to call me.”She sighed and started walking but he followed in the car. “Riley. Please get in the car.”

“Why should I?”She asked. “Please. I’m already worried about you.”He pleaded with her. “Do you know why I didn’t want to meet up with you when we ran into each other at the Record shop?”Riley asked stopping and turning to face him. “Why?”He sighed. “Because why would I want to meet up with someone who couldn’t even come to his own best friend’s going away party?”

“You’re still mad about that?”He asked shocked. “Of course I’m still mad about that! You chose your petty little girlfriend over your friend. What happened to Bros before Hoes? I know we had a weird friendship but you promised. You promised you’d be there.” She told him wiping away a tear as she did. “I’m sorry Riley. I’m sorry I did that to you but can you please get in the car? You don’t have to talk to me or look at me but please just let me give you a ride home.”

“Fine.”She sighed getting back in. “But after this you better as hell never speak to me again.”She glared as she buckled her seatbelt. He sighed and nodded getting on the road again. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now