Chapter Sixteen

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                “Ok I’ll bring the boys over for dinner after we record a few things and then we’ll tell them.”Niall told Riley a few days later before he left her flat. “Alright. Becca and I’ll just stay here.”He rolled his eyes and kissed her on the cheek. “See you girls later.” He smiled walking out the door. “Can you two just get married already?”Becca asked from the couch.  Riley snorted. “Yeah right.”

                “Why not? You’re already having his baby. Might as well.”Becca asked turning around to face Riley who was sitting at the bar that connected to the kitchen. “Because Niall and I are complicated. Marriage would probably be the death of all human existence.” Riley rolled her eyes. “What makes you say that?” Becca asked. “Because Niall and I have always had this absolutely hate each other but can stand to be apart relationship. It’s just hard to explain ok?” Riley sighed standing up. “I’m going to go take a nap.” She said as she walked down the hall to her room.


                “This is crap.”Sixteen year old Riley muttered as she attempted to make a basket late one night. “You’re doing it wrong.” A voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw Niall standing there. “Who asked you?”She scoffed turning back around to trying and shoot a basket again only to miss. “Whatever. See ya.”He shrugged about ready to walk away. “Here.”She passed him the ball. “Like this.”He said showing her the correct way to make a hoop. “You try.”He passed her the ball. “Like this?”She asked throwing the ball in the air. “Perfect.”He grinned as the ball made it in the basket. “Niall?” Riley asked turning to face him. “Yeah?”

                “Why do you think we fight all the time?”She asked setting the ball on her side and holding it with her arm. “I don’t know. Something to do I guess.”He shrugged. “Yeah I guess.”She sighed turning around and shooting another hoop. “Hey Riley?”Niall asked. “What?”She turned around to face him again. “Nothing never mind.” He sighed mad that he chickened out. “No really what?”She asked curious. “Oh um I was just..would it be ok if I kissed you?”He asked taking a step towards her. “ guess.” She shrugged.

                “Ok.”He sighed and they leaned in. It was an innocent kiss. Just a quick lip on lip action before they both awkwardly shuffled away from each other. “Niall.” Riley said staring at the ground. “Yeah?”He asked turning to face her. “If you tell anybody about this. Especially Sean or Maya. I’ll kick your ass.” She muttered before walking into her house. “Note to self. Don’t ever kiss Riley again.”Niall said to himself before walking away. And he didn’t. He got a girlfriend a few months later, so it wasn’t like he would anyway. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now