Chapter Seven

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                “I thought you didn’t want to see me again.”Niall commented as he walked up to Riley who was sitting on one of the many park benches staring at nothing. She had called him requesting to meet up with him as soon as possible. “I don’t.” She commented watching a dog across the street. “Then why am I here?”He asked sitting next to her. “Because we fucked up.” She said with an unhumoured laugh. “What do you mean?”He asked confused. “Niall. I’m pregnant.” Riley said in a quiet voice. “What?”He asked not believing it. “How?”

                “Well you see this kind of thing happens when a man sticks in ding a ling in a woman’s..”

“I get the point!”He cut her off. “I just mean how could this happen?” He asked putting his head in his hands. “Because somebody somewhere hates us. Let’s just face it we aren’t ready to be parents.” She sighed continuing to watch the dog. “But it looks like we have to be.” Niall sighed looking at her. “You mean you’re going to help?”She asked turning to look at him for the first time since he got there.

“Of course I’m going to help Riley. This is half my fault after all.” Niall said. “I just thought with your job and your fans and the whole famous issue that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me or this baby.” She said in all honesty. “I know it’s not going to give me the best image but shit happens Riley. This happened and I’m not going to let you raise this baby on your own.” She smiled and looked down at her lap. “Good because I was prepared to smack you if you didn’t.” She commented causing him to laugh. “So who all knows?”He asked turning the conversation serious again. “You and my roommate Becca. I only found out a couple days ago.”

“How about for now, we keep it that way?” Niall suggested. “I was thinking the same thing.” She nodded. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now