Chapter Nineteen

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                “What are you doing here?”Riley glared as she stared at Niall. “Can we just talk? I just want to talk to you really fast and then I’ll leave. I promise.”He said already taking a step in the door so she couldn’t say no. Riley sighed and sat down on the couch looking anywhere but at him. “What do you want?”She asked as he sat next to her. “I want to understand Riley. What did I do?”

                “Did you even care about him? Or did you care about your reputation?” Riley asked keeping her eyes fixed on the ground. “Of course I cared about him. I wouldn’t have stuck around if I didn’t care about him.”Niall said appalled. “Is that all you cared about? Cause I can’t help but feel like you mostly stuck around because you got me pregnant. I can’t help but feel like this all had to do with One Direction and keeping your fans from hating you.”

                “I stuck around because I care about you Riley. And I care about that baby gone or not. I’m still his father and I still love him.”Niall spoke grabbing her hand lightly. “You can’t say that.”She whispered. “Can’t say what?”He asked rubbing his thumb over her hand. “You can’t say you love him. We didn’t get to meet him and it’s all my fault.”Her voice cracked as she brought her eyes up to meet Niall’s. “It’s not your fault Riley. It’s nobody’s fault. It just happened. Shit happens.”He said referring to what he said to her when he found about the baby. “No. It’s my fault because I didn’t want him. When I was angry at you. I said I didn’t want him, but I didn’t mean it. I was just angry.” Riley said through her tears. “I didn’t mean it. I swear.”She whispered as Niall brought his thumb up to wipe her tears. “I know you didn’t. It’s not your fault.”He whispered as well wrapping his arms around the top of her shoulders bringing her in for a bear hug and holding her there while she cried.

                “I wanted to name him Sean James and we could call him SJ.”She said breaking away from the hug. “Sean James Horan. I’m sure it would have fit him perfectly.”Niall gave her a sad smile. “And we know Sean would have gotten a kick out of it.” Niall said causing a small laugh to come out of Riley’s mouth. “Niall.” Riley said his name in a quiet voice. “Yeah?”He asked looking down at her. “I can’t do this.”She said with a frown on her face. “Can’t do what?”He asked. “I can’t stand here with you and smile. I can’t be around you right now. I’m sorry if I seem bipolar at the moment but can we just go back to normal? Before the record shop? I need to focus. I need to get back to normal and I just don’t think I can with you around.”She sighed.

                “So you want me to leave?”Niall asked a bit heartbroken. “I’m sorry, but yes.”Niall sighed and nodded his head. “Ok Riley. If that’s what you want. I’ll leave.” He said standing up and collecting himself. He gave her a weak smile as he exited the flat. For good this time. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now