Chapter Six

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~Two weeks later~

“Eww. What the hell are you eating?”Becca asked walking into the kitchen. “I don’t even know. I’m just hungry.”Riley replied with a mouth full of food. “Is that turkey and peanut butter?” She asked squinting her eyes at the ‘Sandwich’ her friend was consuming. “Not sure. It could be.” Riley shrugged. “That’s gross.” Becca scrunched her nose up in disgust as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. “You can’t say that till you’ve tried it.” Riley spoke waving the sandwich at her.

“I think I’ll stick with my opinion.” Becca laughed light heartedly. “Whatever.” Riley shrugged taking another bite out of it. “Are you sick or something?”Becca asked curiously. “What do you mean?”Riley asked cocking her head to the side. “I mean you keep eating weird and your sleeping habits are all out of wack.” Becca said and then her eyes widened. “Riley?” She asked looking at her friend with a serious expression. “What?” She asked taking a huge bite out of her sandwich. “When do you normally get your period?” Becca asked. “Around the second week in the month. Why?” Riley replied not really focusing on the conversation. “Because the month’s almost over. Have you had your period yet?” Becca asked concerned. “No why?”

“Riley, I think you might be pregnant.” Riley scoffed at the suggestion. “In order to be pregnant I would have had to have had…”

“Shit.”She muttered under her breath.


                “Make sure you do it right.” Becca called from outside the bathroom door. “Bec, you pee on a stick. There’s not much I could do to screw that up.” Riley rolled her eyes looking at the small white pregnancy stick as she shook it and placed it on the sink next to the other two she had taken. She sighed and stood up, pulling up her pants as she opened the door allowing Becca to walk into the bathroom. “Well what does it say?” She asked looking at them. “Two say yes. One says no. I’m officially fucked. Literally.” Riley sighed putting the lid on the toilet down as she took a seat on it.

                “Hey, it’s going to be ok. I promise.” Becca sighed crouching down in front of her friend. “You can’t say that Bec. I’m a nineteen year old college student with a tiny person inside of me. My life is officially over. Not to mention my dad is totally going to kill Niall.” Becca let out a throaty laugh. “At least your dad cares enough to.” She smiled at her friend. “Yeah.” Riley sighed looking at her lap. “Can we just throw these away? I don’t want to look at them.” She asked close to tears. “Yeah. I got it. Why don’t you go take a nap or something?”Becca suggested. Riley sighed and stood up heading to her bedroom. 

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