Chapter Twelve

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“I don’t want to get huge.” Riley groaned as she stared at her stomach in the mirror. She had been staring at it for about ten minutes. “Why can’t I just have the thing now and not get any bigger?”She asked with a sigh. “Riley stop talking to yourself!”Becca shouted from the main room. “I’m leaving. Niall said he’ll be here soon or something. Bye!”She shouted as she shut the door. “This sucks.” Riley groaned sitting down on the toilet. She was still at the point that if she wore a sweatshirt it wasn’t noticeable but now in just a tank top you could definitely tell that she was 6 weeks pregnant. It was a small bump but it was still a bump.

“I hate life. I don’t even want the stupid thing.” She muttered annoyed as she glared at her stomach. “Riley?” Niall’s voice was heard as he walked in the flat. “And I hate you too.” She glared at the bathroom door. “You did this to me.” If she glared any harder she would have probably put a hole in the door. “Riley?”Niall called again. “Go away!”Riley shouted locking the bathroom door. “Riley, what are you doing?” Niall asked from outside the door as he tried to open it. “Go away!”She shouted again. “Why? What’s wrong?”He asked concerned. “I hate you.” She said loud enough for him to here. Niall sighed backing away from the door a bit. “Riley can you please open the door?” Niall asked as politely as possible. “No. I don’t want to see you.” She spoke glaring at her stomach again. “Then close your eyes. You don’t have to see me, but I want to make sure your ok.” He said trying to compromise with her.

“Why would you care? You did this to me!”She shouted banging her fist on the door causing Niall to jump back a bit. “You did this!”She screamed. Niall was shocked. He had never been around a pregnant woman when her mood swings kicked in. Hell he can’t even remember the last time he was around a pregnant woman that he actually knew.  He racked through his brain of all the people that could help him. “Zayn.”He whispered. Zayn had a younger sister. He would know what to do. He pulled out his phone and dialed his friend. “Hey you’ve reached Zayn. Sorry I can’t pick up right now. You know what to do.” Niall groaned dropping the phone. Who else could help him? “Louis.”He smiled. He had been around for more than one of his mum’s pregnancy’s. Niall quickly called him. “Hello?”

“Louis thank God you picked up. I need your help.”


                “I hate you!” Riley screamed pounding on the door again. She had been at it for half an hour screaming that she wouldn’t stop until Niall left. He was sitting against the hall walls with his head in his hands.  “Hello?”Louis called walking through the door. “Over here.”Niall said quietly as Louis walked down the hall. He sighed and sat down next to his blonde friend. “You’ve really got yourself in quiet the mess haven’t you?”Louis asked with a sympathetic smile. “You promise not to tell any of the other boys right?”Niall asked looking up at Louis. His eyes were red because he had cried a little bit before Louis showed up.

                “Go away Niall!”Riley shouted again sobbing as she did so. She was sitting on the ground pounding on the bathroom door. She couldn’t concentrate with him there. All she felt was hatred towards him and she didn’t even know why. “I won’t tell.” Louis said in a quiet voice as he stood up and knocked on the door. “Riley? Riley it’s Louis.” He said in a calm voice. “Why are you here?”She asked confused standing up as she did so. “I’m here to help Riley. Can you open the door so we can talk about this?” He asked hoping this would work. “No. If he’s here than no.” Riley said stubbornly. “Niall’s not here. It’s just us.” Louis lied. “Ok.” Riley sighed unlocking the door and slowly opening the door. Louis quickly put his hand on the handle so she couldn’t close it once she stepped out. “You lied!”She shouted at Louis as soon as she saw Niall. She tried to go back in the bathroom but he blocked her path and shut the door behind him. “No Riley.”Louis said keeping calm. “We need to talk about this. Why are you so mad at Niall?” Louis asked looking her in the eye. “He did this! I hate him!” She shouted whipping around to glare at Niall who had stood up upon her walking out of the bathroom. “I hate you!”She shouted at him and ran towards him pounding on his chest.

                “I hate you!”She shouted again continuing to hit him. Niall stood there calmly holding her wrists in his hands “Riley stop.”He whispered. “Stop.”He repeated as she started bawling and slowly dropped to the floor. He crouched down with her grabbing her in a hug as she tried to twist away from him. “No.”He whispered holding her back into his chest. “Stop.”He whispered again rocking her back and forth as he held her. “I’m going to go now.”Louis whispered crouching down in front of his friend. “Call me if you need help again.” Niall nodded and Louis excused himself from the situation. Riley continued to bawl in that position until she fell asleep about half an hour later. Niall sighed when she finally passed out and slowly picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. He sat her down on the bed and walked out into the living room lying down on the couch. 

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