Chapter Thirteen

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                “Niall.”Riley whispered as she shook his arm trying to get him to wake up. “Riley?” He asked confused. “I’ll leave if you want me to.”He said sitting up quickly. She shook her head. “Don’t leave.”She whispered. “I’m sorry.” She said embarrassed. She still couldn’t remember why she was so mad at him but she wasn’t any more and she didn’t want him to go anywhere now. “It’s ok.”He smiled at her. “Niall?”Riley asked quietly reminding him of a little kid who had just got scolded by their parents. “Yeah?”He asked ready to comply to her any wish. “Can I have a hug?”Riley asked. It was as if she didn’t have control over her own actions anymore but Niall didn’t care. He laughed and hugged her anyway, rubbing her back as he did so.

                “If it’s a boy like I hope what do you want to name him?”Riley asked suddenly breaking away from the hug. “I don’t know.”Niall sighed. “I haven’t really thought about it.” He shrugged. “That’s ok. We have time. He won’t be here for a while.” She sighed sitting down on the couch. Niall crouched in front of her. “Do you mind?”He asked nodded towards her stomach. “No.” She whispered. He smiled and put the palm of his hand on her stomach. “Hey little guy.”He whispered. “It’s your dad.” Riley closed her eyes listening to Niall talk to the baby.  Neither was even sure if it could hear him or not but neither one cared.  She smiled as she thought about when they were younger. She certainly didn’t think this would have happened back then.


                “Eww look it’s Horney Horan!” Fourteen year old Riley called as she saw Niall and Sean walk out of his house. He rolled his eyes at her. “Get a life Bennet!” He shouted back. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Where are you too headed?” She asked curious but with a still obnoxious tone. “To the football game.”Sean told her only to get hit by Niall. “You girls want to come?”Riley asked looking at her group of friends. “You only want to go because Niall’s going.” Maya told her causing their other two friends to crack up laughing. “Yeah I want to go so I can kick Niall’s butt.” Riley retorted. “Sure.” Maya winked. “Whatever but I’m going.”Riley rolled her eyes walking towards the boys. “What are you doing Bennet?”Niall asked not really caring. “I’m going to the game.” She told him with a look that challenged him to argue. He rolled his eyes and started walking with her and Sean following. “Wait up!”Maya called being the only one of their other friends to come along.

                “Aww man its all boys.”Maya groaned as they walked up to the field. “What did you expect?”Sean asked looking at her. She shrugged and then grinned widely and smacked Riley’s arm. “What?”She hissed looking at her friend. “Look who’s totally checking you out!”Maya grinned widely nodding over to a group of boys that were staring at them. “I don’t care.” Riley rolled her eyes not looking. “No seriously, It’s Brandon!” She squealed in her friend’s ear. “No shit really?”Riley asked looking over at the boy who winked at her. “What a cock.” Niall rolled his eyes. “Shut up Niall.” Riley hissed at him. “He’s only going to flirt with you for now and then he’s going to ditch you. It’s not worth it.”He told her seriously. “Yeah right. Why do you even care?”She asked raising an eyebrow. “I don’t.”He rolled his eyes. “Good than stay out of it.”She huffed looking back over at Brandon who smiled at her causing Maya to squeal again.

                “I thought you guys came for football not to drool over boys.”Niall said annoyed. “We did.” Riley huffed walking over to the football that lay in the middle of the field. “What do you think you’re doing!?” One of Brandon’s friends called out to her . “Playing football.”She rolled her eyes dribbling the ball in between her feet. “Yeah right! Everyone knows girls suck at football.” He scoffed. “What did you say?” She asked walking up to him. The crowd of kids following. “I said, girls suck at football.”He repeated. “You’re gonna pay for that you dick!”She shouted bringing her fist back and punching him. He fell to the ground and she sat on him continuing to punch him. “FIGHT!”One of the kids shouted as they all huddled in closer, Niall, Maya and Sean pushing their way to the front. “Come on Riley! Kick his ass!” Maya shouted above the noise. “You little Bitch!”The boy shouted as he got up from under her. “Someone atta teach you how to act like a girl.”

                “You’re just mad because you got your ass kicked by a girl.”Niall sneered at him. “Shut your mouth Horan before I kick your ass!”He shouted at him. “Nobody threatens my friends!”Riley shouted diving at him again causing all the kids to cheer for the fight again. That was the first time she referred to Niall as a friend, but it was the day that they made a silent agreement that if one of them needed it the other would be there. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now