Chapter TwentyOne

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~One Month Later~

                “I do.” Maya smiled looking at Sean who was beaming just as much as she was. “Sean. You may now kiss your bride.” Her grinned wider and bent down to kiss her while everyone clapped. They broke apart with smiles on their faces and then made their way down the aisle with their parties following them. “You look beautiful.” A voice whispered in Riley’s ear as she followed behind them. “Just because you’re the best man and I’m the maid of honor doesn’t mean I want to talk to you.” Riley hissed at Niall keeping a smile on her face for the sake of their friends. “But I want to talk to you.”He frowned. “Because you really do look beautiful. Blue’s definitely your color.”He grinned cheekily. “Thank you Niall but really. Can you please stop. Me and you. That part of my life is over.”

                “It wouldn’t be though.”He said as they stood off to the side watching everybody greet the happy couple. “Not if he was here. If he was here that would probably be us and you know it.”He said referring to their best friends. “Don’t call him he. He has a name.” Riley hissed. “Fine. If SJ was here than we would like everybody else here. Happy. We’d be happy and together.”Niall told her looking her in the eye. “Maybe we would have but SJ isn’t here and I’ve had to deal with excepting that ok? Please don’t make it worse by bringing this stuff up. Especially today. Just don’t Niall.” She whispered.

                “Well I would have brought it up some other time but throughout this whole wedding process you’ve been ignoring my calls and any conversation I try to start up with you.”He said with an annoyed tone. “That’s because I’m trying to forget.”Riley spoke frowning at him. “Why? Why forget? I don’t ever want to forget.  I don’t ever want to forget that night with you. I don’t ever want to forget when you told me you were pregnant. I don’t want to forget your cute baby bump. I don’t want to forget how happy we were actually getting along for once in our lives. I don’t want to forget my copy of the ultra sound that I have framed in my flat. I don’t want to forget Sean James Horan. Whether we got to meet him or not, he’s our son. Ours and nobody else’s Riley. And I refuse to forget him.” Niall said as he wiped the tears that had unconsciously fallen as he spoke. “I refuse to.”He whispered making her start to cry unconsciously as well.

                “Damn it Niall. You’re messing up my makeup.”She groaned whipping the tears. “It’s not him I want to forget. It’s when we lost him that I want to forget.”She said in a quiet voice in case somebody was listening to their conversation. “I don’t want to forget that either, because whether we like it or not it happened and it’s a part of our lives.” Niall sighed moving some of her hair out of her face. “ I hate it when you make me feel like this.” She said glaring at him. “Feel like what Riley. Tell me what I make you feel?”Niall asked staring into her eyes. “When you make me feel bubbly inside because of something sweet you say. Because of the way you look at me.” He grinned in the tiniest bit. “I’ve always looked at you the way I do now Riley. Always.”He whispered. “You mean?”She asked not believing him.

                “Yes. I’ve always liked you. Always. Even when you saw my penis when we met.”He said with a chuckle as he leaned down and kissed her forehead before smiling and walking over to congratulate his best friends. 

Ships in the Night(Niall Horan) [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now