Part 2

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That raven haired kid was pissed, to say the least. His pale slender face took the form of what nearly resembled a demon. His eyebrows furrowed in the middle and his mouth lifted in a snarl. I was almost intimidated. Almost. The kid gave me a death glare, and if looks could kill, I'd be in my tomb. "Watch where you're going, dobe" He sneered down at me. Even though he was taller, I refused to be put off by some douchebag pretty boy.

"No need to get your panties in a bunch, teme." I chuckled as he walked off. As he was walking away I couldnt help but notice his butt. My eyes had some sort of 'wandering' problem sometime, if you get what I mean. Damn, his jeans fit just right. I bit my lip still staring.  "What you looking at now ya perv?" A voice beemed from behind me, making me jump in surprise, feeling a slightly abashed but played it off but using my usual grin. I turned around and was greeted by a smirking kiba. Kiba was one of my closest friends, we told each other everything. He was wearing his black bandana like always along with a gray hoodie.

"I was just looking at that kid" I pointed over to the side of the building where the Raven stood against the wall, glare still in his face and earbuds in his ears. "Ya mean Sasuke Uchiha?" Kiba asked.

"Is that his name?" I questioned.

"Yeah, he transferred from that old high school, ya know, the one one the other side of town? Real bad reputation?" He looked at me questioningly. I nodded. "Yeah, well I know his older brother Itachi. I heard he moved to our school because he got expelled from the other one." Hmm. So he's the stereotypical kid who gets in trouble and has an obviously bad temper. And let's not forget his all black clothing. I bet it's his first day.

"Well kiba if I were you I wouldn't run into that kid, he's got quite the temper." I laughed. Kiba raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "You know him, Uzumaki?" I shook my head. "Nah, I just ran into him a bit ago and he flipped out as if I had some incurable disease that could be transferred just by touching"
Kiba shook his head. "Some people are just assholes." He glanced down at his phone. "Oh, Bells about to ring, see ya later" He patted me on the shoulder before walking off and I waved goodbye, waiting the last few seconds for the bell to ring.


I walked to my locker and quickly opened it. I can't be late to Iruka's class again or he'll kill me. Iruka was definitely a hardass, but still my favorite teacher. I don't like disappointing him and try my best not to do anything that would contradict that. I glanced into the little mirror that I hung on the inside of my locker door. My blonde hair as wild as usual. People say I pull off the whole 'messy hair' look anyway so I didn't worry too much about it. I gave the ends of my hair a few final rugs before I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut.

I raced down the halls to Irukas class as fast as I could before the second bell. I quickly walked in the classroom and took my usual seat in the back. The second bell sounded and the rest of the kids in class hustled to get to their seat before Iruka walked in. My teacher quickly came into the class room and took attendance. "Hey guys. Have a nice weekend?" Iruka asked. Everyone in class groaned and 'no's' filled the room. Iruka frowned a bit then quickly smiled again. "It's because you guys missed me, huh?" Everyone laughed. "Yeah, sure sensei" I scoffed. Iruka just smiled again. "Okay guys, you know the drill, read the next chapter in your books and when you're done I'll give the assignment."

I pulled out my algebra book and read over the next lesson for today. Man this was boring. More boring than watching family fued with my mom. It was soon completely silent in the classroom as everyone read their books, and it in now way helped the nudging feeling of sleep in my brain. I could barely read two sentences before I felt like taking a nap. My eyes drooped and I rest my head on my folded arms on the desk. I think I was barely able too start falling asleep before the sound of the classroom door opening got my attention. I looked up and saw an all too familiar face. Onyx eyes and Raven hair. It was The Sasuke kid from earlier.

"Hey, you must be Sasuke. I'm Iruka, your new teacher. We're just reading lesson three in the book right now. Go ahead and and take any seat that's available" Sasuke nodded politely and began to walk towards the back. I didn't realize I was staring until his eyes met mine. A shiver ran down my spine and I remembered how I had been ogling him earlier. I blushed and internally scolded myself for my perverted tendencies.

I heard him groan. Damn, he's got a sexy groan. I realized the only open seat was next to me. Well this will be interesting. I glanced over at him and noticed how beautiful he actually was. His eyes were dark, a nice dark, the kind that doesn't make a big deal about themselves, but really stands out when you pay attention. His nose was of average size and cute. His lips looked soft and his pale skin contrasted perfectly with his dark hair and dark clothes. He really was a good looking guy. Hotter than me by far.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he snapped. Crap, he caught me staring.

I gave a sarcastic laugh. "Wow the last time I heard that one I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur" I said playfully. If it weren't for my odd attraction to him, I probably would have told him off already.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and gave me the finger.

That's the only time we talked to each other that day. After that, school seemed to go by slower than usual. By the time the day was over I was completely exhausted.

I finally arrived at home and was greeted by my mother who was cooking in the kitchen, like always. "Hey, mom." I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, how was your day?" She asked and tucked a piece of red hair behind her ear. "Completely bleak and exceedingly mundane" I said in monotone. Mom gave me a look "Naruto, quit being so negative. Listen I understand that your a teenager and you practically hate everything, trust me, I was a teenager once too. But if you keep having such a pessimistic attitude you'll just spread that negativity onto others and make people around you feel bad too."

I rolled my eyes. She always found a way to fit in a lecture towards me by the end of the day. "I don't hate everything, just most things." At this My mom laughed. "Yeah, whatever"

I walked off too my bedroom and through my backpack to the ground. "UGGGHHHHH" I groaned loudly. I flopped on my bed and 5 seconds later I passed out.


Heyo friends. This is my first fanfic so go easy, eh?

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