Part 11

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Winter break ended too quickly. It wasn't enough. All the time has gone so fast, all the time that has happened has gone by so fast. I can't seem to ever stop and take a break. These days it seems the world is always moving, always changing. My life has been like a whirlpool for the past few days. Constantly pulling and spinning me around. These days I can't ever relax or just live.

I'm afraid. Afraid of my life so far, afraid of relationships, afraid of Sai, afraid of love and romance, terrified of school. But mostly, I'm afraid of myself.

I've been catching myself thinking of things that I shouldn't be. Of people that I shouldn't be.

Sasuke has been confusing the hell out me. I'm not sure if we're still considered enemies after the night he had stayed over. I know that it doesn't make us friends all of the sudden but I mean, if you truly hated someone, there's no way in hell you'd ask to stay over at their place. And you sure as hell wouldn't let said enemy stay at your house. I don't know what's been wrong with me the past few weeks. Or why I'm doing the things that I do.

Some days I can't remember who I am. I know my name, I know my life history, but I don't know me. I can't remember what the point is in doing all of the things I do. Why do I spend my time doing these things. Is there even any purpose? Or am I just stuck on autopilot?

As I wonder of these things, and if they even make sense, I get ready for school. Another day in hell. Just what I need.

I sigh loudly and throw my shoe across the room, hitting my newly colored wall. Now I let out a groan because that was one of the converse I was about to put on and now I need to walk all the way across the room to get it.

I crawl slowly on my hands and knees towards the black shoe.

If there's anything that I hate more than school, it's exercising. It sucks and unless you want to lose weight or look like a balloon animal, I see no point in it. I know how unhealthy that might make me sound, but I'm still in pretty good shape. I'm not fat or anything, at least I think so...

I walk in front of my long mirror that hangs on the back of my door. I lift up my shirt and poke at my stomach. There's a little pudge, but not too much. I don't need to start working out, right? That would seriously suck.

I look up at my face in the mirror and cringe. I can't stand my face. It's too round. I place both hands on my face and drag them down slowly. "Ughhh"

A knock on my door causes me to jump back from my reflection and land on my ass.

"Naruto, it's almost time for you to go." I heard my mom call from the other side. I let out a sigh and punched the air.

"Okay." I replied through clenched teeth. I really don't want to go to school today. It's my least favorite place in the world, besides home. And the worse part of this is that I feel stuck in both places.

I kick my wall and stomp over to my bed were I proceeded to punch my pillow. "I. Want. To. Die" I said between punches. Soon my arm got tired and I decided to just get the hell to school. I grabbed my shoe and shoved it on before grabbing my backpack and stomping down the stairs and out the front door.

             ~le time skip~

The bell for the end of algebra rang and I rushed out as fast as I could. The hallways were filled with kids and they rammed passed me like I didn't exist, some tall guy almost knocking me to the floor. Oh wait, I did get knocked on the floor.

I layed on my back and let out a groan. Could this day be any more shitty?

"Oh fuck, sorry." I heard the guy say. I opened my clenched eyelids to see a guy with dark hair and piercings looking down at me.

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