Part 4

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It's been a week since I ran into Sasuke, and over the course of that week we got in a LOT of arguments. I'm not the type of person to really get angry at someone so easily but he really started to tick me off. On Wednesday we were assigned a parter for some math project and of course my assigned partner was Sasuke. When Iruka told him, Sasuke told Iruka, quite loudly, that he didn't want to work with someone so 'annoying'.
Now this really pissed me off because I actually never did anything to him other than run into him. And he took it upon himself to use that in order to hate me. Anyway, after Sasuke made his point clear he walked out the classroom all dramatic like some stuck up snob.

On Friday, the next day, we didn't say a word to each other, and that was fine with me. Really though, I was kinda hoping he wasn't such a dick. I had thought he was rather attractive and that we could be some friends. But of course, every guy who's hot has some kind of god complex and acts like a dick. They think they're such hot shit because girls and boys swoon over them. And there's nothing I despise more than that.

When the the weekend had rolled around finally, I was sitting up in my room watching Netflix. This was my idea of a perfect weekend. Nothing sounds better than laying in bed, eating food, and watching tv.

I stuffed my face with another handfull of popcorn as I watched someone be brutally murdered on tv.  Horror has always been my favorite category in shows and movies. Something about being scared just seems very appealing to me. Perhaps it was the adrenaline rush. Or my slightly dark mind. Either way, no one could ever tell me that Halloween wasn't good.

My phone went off just as the killer was pealing the skin off his victims face. I paused the movie and looked to see who dared to bother me at this time and was surprised to see It was Sai. Sai never texts me. He barely even talks to me really. Or anyone.

Funny thing is, despite that, he's still one of my closest friends. I read the text with a thoughtful look on my face. Sai asked me to come over. I raised an eyebrow at my phone. I guess I could go see him, we haven't hung out for awhile. Sai never asks much of me so I always say yes when he does. I texted back, "I'll be over soon"

I turned off my TV and went to my closet to put on shoes. Looks like this Saturday I won't be watching Netflix.


I arrived at Sai's house and knocked on the big gray door. I leaned back and forth on my heels as I waited for someone to answer the door. Preferably Sai, I don't like talking to parents much. The door opened and revealed Sai in black pants and socks, his shirt off like always. He just looked at me with the same blank expression he always wore. "Hey" I said to break the silence.

Sai gave a nod and silently motioned for me to come in. I obliged and stepped inside, kicking my shoes off and leaning them by the door.

Just as I looked up I was greeted with the wall in front of me. I stared at the wall, noticing the old photo that was in a neat little frame, hanging by itself. It was a picture of Sai and his older brother. Sai was smiling, an odd thing too see. I rarely saw him smile. It's a shame too, I bet he'd have a nice smile. I felt something similar to sadness as I realized I never met his older brother and how I never will. He died 8 years ago.

I turned from the picture and faced Sai. "So.. What's going on?" I asked. Sai began to frown and he took a step forward. "I need to talk to you Naruto," he spoke quietly.

"About what?" I questioned. I didn't like hearing those words. Especially in that tone of voice. It always left me on edge. Sai came closer to me and grabbed my hand in his. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds then swiftly began to drag me up the stairs and into his room. I
Stumbled up behind him, a bit frazzled. "Sai, what's going o-" I was cut off by being pushed on the bed. "Sit." He demanded. I looked up at him, trying to read the emotion in his eyes before I realized they were blank as usual.

"Listen Naruto, I want to tell you something close to my heart. Something personal. So please try your best to not have a negative reaction to what I'm about to tell you." I looked at him surprised. Sai never really opened up to me before. I nodded silently, my eyes locked with his.

The room felt heavy with the weight of a secret upon it. And I yearned for it to be spoken out of the air. My hands wound up tight, much like my brain, as I waited for him to continue.

Sai looked down for a bit then back up again, his gaze meeting mine in a way that made my insides churn nervously.

"Naruto, I have come to realize that I have deep feelings for you. And I thought you should know this." As soon as the words left his mouth the world seemed to stop. Time seemed to stop. I can't believe this. I never once thought said would feel feelings like that for me, or for anyone at all. It felt like I was talking to someone else.

"I-I don't know what to say." I strained. Sai let out a deep breath. "I understand if the feelings aren't mutual. I don't expect you to ever feel the same, but I thought I should at least tell you." I wasn't sure how to respond. I glanced around, avoiding looking into his eyes. The silence grew bigger and bigger until I felt the bed deep next to me. Suddenly he was there and his pale arm brushed mine and eventful I felt a finger lift up my chin. "I hope you don't mind this" Sai leaned in and It all seemed to go in slow motion. I didn't know it then, but my life was about to take a very gay turn. It's funny how small things like this happen, then all the sudden your whole world seems to be affected by all those small segments in your life.

Our lips touched and just like that, he kissed me. And I found myself kissing back. And I couldn't tell why I did it, but maybe it was on instinct.
A moment later, he pulled away. "Does this mean you feel the same?" He asked in his usual quiet voice.

Do I? I've never thought Of Sai in a romantic way before. My brain swarmed and I was once again at a loss for words. "I'm not sure..." I responded. I didn't even register those words leaving my mouth but it happened. I was still so shocked to the core.

Sai gave me a nod and, to my surprise, a very faint smile. "Well," he chuckled, "I like that answer more than no."


WIll SASUKE BE ABLE TO SNATCH UP NARUTO BEFORE SAI????? WILL THEY GO OUT AND THEN THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE ABOUT HOW SASUKE IS JEALOUS???? perhaps. The world has nothing but an Infinite amount of possibilities

A Part Of Me (Sasunaru AU)Where stories live. Discover now