Part 10

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Winter break had rolled by. It snowed like crazy and I spent an hour clearing out the driveway before my mom left for work.

I'm sitting alone on the end of my bed, staring at the wall. It was such a blank white wall. This began to bother me so I decided to change it. I ran downstairs and slipped on some Vans. I hopped in my old car and drove to Home Depot. I walked through the long aisles filled with multiple colored paint. I came across a dark maroon color. I decided I liked this color very much. I bought with almost the rest of my money.

On the drive back home I passed by two kids that sat on the curb, all alone in the cold. I frowned at this and thought about giving them the rest of my money. I didn't tho. The light had turned green and the car behind me honked obnoxiously.

As soon as I got home I stared at the white wall once again. I moved my dresser away from the wall and layed down an old blanket that I found in my closet. I began to paint the white wall.

I don't know how long it took. I just let my mind go blank, throwing away every thought and only focusing on the strokes of the paint brush. By the time I was done i felt very tired. The wall looked pretty nice now. Even tho the other walls in my room were still white.

I lay on the floor and decide to listen to one of my moms old CDs. The music brought back memories. I remember how my mother used drink wine almost every day, and she would dance along to the music of Otis Redding and James Brown. She was always listening to oldies. Always had her glass of wine. I remember when she'd make me dance with her.

Back then, I didn't realize she did all this because she was sad. Because she missed dad. Now that I look back on it, she cried for a very long time. I don't know if she ever stopped crying. I think she just got better at hiding it.

The sound of These Arms Of Mine began to play and i let a smile cross my face. This one was my favorite, of all the oldies mom listened too. Otis reddings voice played loudly and I got so lost in the music I didn't hear the door bell. Until it rang over and over. I jumped up off the ground and walked downstairs to answer the door.

On the other side of the door was a sad looking Sasuke. He was biting his lip and looking at the ground. "Sasuke? What are you doing here?" I asked. Sasuke looked up with a pained expression and I noticed the bruise on his left cheek, not too bad, but a bruise nonetheless.

"I uh, need a place to stay." Sasuke looked ashamed, like he hated asking. Being as prideful as himself, I'm not surprised.

"Um okay... You can uh, come in." I moved out of the way and opened the door all the way so he could walk in.

Sasuke walked in slowly and just stood staring at me. It clicked in my head that he was probably waiting for me to show him around and shit. "Uh, my rooms upstairs." I said and I turned to walk upstairs, Sasuke following behind.

When we got to my bedroom I still had the music playing loudly and the room smelt like fresh paint.

"You can sit on my bed." I sad motioning towards it, a blush creeping up on my face as I turned the music down.

Sasuke sat on the end of the bed and stared down at his hands. "So um, what the hell is going on?" I asked abruptly.

Sasukes head snapped up to look at me, frown still present on his face. "I got in a fight with Itachi."

I frowned and nodded. I kind of half guessed that had happened. I didn't push to ask any other questions, respecting sasukes privacy. I sat on my bed next to him at stared at the newly painted wall.

"You can watch tv if you want." I said glancing at the remote on the moved dresser.

"I don't watch tv." Sasuke replied. He was still looking down, obviously thinking about something. I glanced down at his pale hands, noticing how you can kinda see the veins in them.

"How long do you need to stay here?" I asked. Sasuke looked up at me. "Just for tonight. I'll be gone before you wake up." Sasuke replied in monotone.

"Okay. You can uh take the bed I'll sleep on the floor." I replied.

Sasuke shook his head. "No, I'll sleep on the floor."

I shook my head quickly. "No it's fine. I actually like sleeping on the floor sometimes anyway." Sasuke just looked at me for a while then gave a nod.

The rest of the time was spent quietly. Sasuke just messed around on his phone and I watched tv. Mom came home 6:00 o clock and made dinner. I snuck it in for Sasuke to eat. He said it was good and went back to himself. When it turned 11:00 I made a bed on the floor and said goodnight to Sasuke.

By the time I woke up at 10:00 am, Sasuke was gone and there was a sticky note on my window, 'Thanks' it read in neat handwriting. I gave a little smile. "Your welcome" I whispered.

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