Part 19 or 20?

301 17 4

Naruto threw himself on his bed and let the tears out onto his pillow. Honestly, he hates himself right now for crying. But for some reason, the way Sasuke slammed the door in his face triggered his emotions. A feeling of rejection came over him and he didn't know why. A bunch of thoughts were rushing through his head. Why was Sakura there? Why did she slap him? Was Sasuke still messing around with her?


He was. Their relationship has been under wraps since it started so of course it'd make sense for Sasuke to still be with her. And maybe sasuke told her he was with him now and that's why she flipped.

Naruto sat up and wiped his tears from his face in a way that made him look like a cute 5 year old.

Naruto has always had childlike qualities through out his older years. Unlike sasuke, Naruto is still as imaginative and playful as he's been as toddler. Well maybe not exactly. Its not like he still plays with his power ranger figurines anymore. And he definitely doesn't have that ninja turtles poster on the back of his door any more.

Naruto sighed and decided to just wait and talk to sasuke when he saw him at school tomorrow.

He kicked off his old shoes and curled up underneath his blanket. It was only 6:00 now but he felt like he's been awake forever and now it was time for him to rest.


Lunch is halfway over and naruto still hasn't seen Sasuke. He's begun to believe that Sasuke isn't here at all.

Naruto sat at a different table than usual today because none of his friends were to be found, which is crazy considering he has a lot and they all just so happened to be M.I.A.

Naruto was sitting alone, blaring his music in his headphones to drown out the noises of the people around him who seemingly got more and more annoying each day. He didn't notice when Sakura walked up to the table. Or even when she sat down across from him.

"Naruto!!!" Naruto jolted his head up and tugged out his headphones. He could already tell by the tone of Sakuras voice that she didn't stop by to have a good ol conversation or sing Kumbaya while holding hands. No. that is definitely NOT why she approached him.

"Sakura? What..?"

Sakura huffed and and averted her gaze, her pink hair swooshing around perfectly. "You havent happened to seen Sasuke have you?" She was still clearly pissed off at him. And he's pretty sure it's for the reason he think it is.

"Uh no I haven't... I haven't seen him all day." Naruto felt awkward. He's always been a bit nervous around Sakura. He had a hardcore crush on her throughout elementary and some of junior high. It wasn't until 8th grade when Naruto started to date kiba that he got over his crush on Sakura. Kiba and naruto ended their relationship over the summer because kiba was being sent to stay with his aunt and uncle. Supposedly that was his punishment for acting out at school and getting bad grades.

Sakura finally let out a sigh and stood up, pushing her chair back in a bit harshly. "You're an asshole, Naruto Uzumaki." Sakura  breathed in and breathed out calmly, balled up her fist, and walked away with a calmness that was somehow terrifying.

Naruto felt bad and looked down at his black phone screen. He knows what he did was wrong but hearing Sakura sound so disappointed and utterly pissed off made him feel even worse.

A Part Of Me (Sasunaru AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt