Part 16

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It was raining by the time I reached his doorstep. And the wind began to howl. But what was waiting for me beyond the front door of Sais home was more unappealing than the drops of water hitting my back.

I gulped. And I looked back behind my shoulder. I shook my shoulders and let out a breath of air. I tilted my head back and stretched my legs out. I cracked my knuckles and bent forward. Finally I rested my hand in the doorknob.

I turned it and tried to push it open before realizing that this isn't my house to just waltz up in and I should probably knock. And so I did that. And waited for him to come answering the door.

Only a few seconds passed and the door was already creaking open, revealing a disgruntled looking Sai. "Hey Naruto."

I nervously smiled and scratched the back of my neck. "Hey man."

Sai stood back and let me through the front door. I walked in awkwardly and he shut the door behind me.

There was tension in the air. And a pit in my stomach. A deep black hole that was eating away at me. I can already see how bad this is going to go. I scratched my arm and shifted slightly.

"Naruto, will you look at me?" Sai sounded so upset. God, I can only imagine how he's gonna feel in a little bit.

I slowly looked up at him. His eyes were a dark gray and his skin looked even paler than before. There was circles under his eyes and all I can think is how I caused this. And now I'm here to make shit worse.

Sai was looking deep into my eyes. Like he was searching for something. He grabbed my face in his hands gently and kissed me.

I didn't kiss back.

Sai left his lips there for a few seconds before pulling away. He sighed and looked down at the ground. I winced and bit my lip. His hands finally left my face and he took a step back, The hardwood floor creaking slightly.

He folded his arms around himself and shut his eyes tightly. I just stood there. Feeling horrible. Wanting to do something, but knowing that I'd just make things worse.

"You're breaking up with me...aren't you?" He asked quietly. His eyes had opened slightly. I didn't want to speak. My throat felt dry and my lips were chapped. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something. Sai glanced at me, waiting for me to speak. Nothing came out.

I heard him sigh again. And he cried silently. And I was standing there doing nothing. Just watching. Not even having the guts to speak. I could hear the rain pouring hard outside, and the tree branches winding in the strong wind. And I was thinking about how I am standing here. Actually living in this moment. And how I wish this was already a memory from the past.

"I-" I began but I stopped. I walked over to sai and grabbed him, pulling him to me. "I'm sorry." I heard him let out a sob and his hands gripped the front of my shirt tightly. And we just stood there for a while. Him soaking my shirt with his tears, and me causing him heartache.

He finally let go. And he wiped at his face. "..Y-You should leave..." he said. I felt a pang in my heart, but I knew that it's my fault. I can't expect him to still like me. Not after I've broke his heart.

I nodded and looked down. "Alright." I walked back to the front door and opened it slowly. "Bye" I whispered. I shut the door behind me and just stood outside it for a while. Looking at the hard rain falling from the gray clouds. The wind blew hard suddenly and a small torn piece of paper ended up in front of me. I picked it up, my fingers touching the cold cement.

I turned it over and read what it said. And I swear, of all the things that this paper could've been, it had to be this heart wrenching note.

It read, in sais handwriting, 'You're really great, Naruto.'
And underneath that, in my handwriting, it read,
'I love you'


I also apologize for how short this is. But I hope you enjoy.

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