Part 12

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I quietly walked over and paused before the door. I took a breath before knocking softly. "S-Sasuke?"

I waited quietly for a response. He didn't say anything. I thought maybe this was his way of telling me he wanted to be alone. Which is understandable, why am I even bothering him?

I was about to turn and leave before he finally spoke.

"Why are you checking on me?" He said softly. I stared at the stall door for a bit before looking down at the tile floor. What am I supposed to say? I don't even know why I'm here. I've been asking myself the same question in my head. I bit my lip and rested a hand on the stall door.

"I- I honestly don't know."

I heard movement and the stall door abruptly opened. I slightly jumped back and relaxed when I saw Sasuke staring back at me calmly. His eyes were dark and empty. Like an abyss.

He continued to stare at me and I looked at the floor. I hated how he did this. I hated being under his gaze. I tried to look up at him again, I didn't want to seem nervous around him. I didn't want him to think he had one up on me at any point in time.

"So.. I didn't know you were dating uh Sakura." I said looking to the side. I can never stare into his eyes for too long. It makes me feel like he's reading my emotions and thoughts. It makes me feel vulnerable.

"Tch, yeah. Big whoop." I looked over to see him roll his eyes. "She doesn't even act like herself. I know she's just putting on that whole persona just to please me."

I stood awkwardly with my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. "Well that's Sakura."

There a was a lingering silence before I remembered what I wanted to ask Sasuke. I looked up hesitantly and Sasuke looked up at me when he realized I was staring at him.

"What?" He asked a bit snappy. His voice was always like that. It made him seem more intimidating than he really was.

"Sasuke..that day.. W-when you said blue eyes are better than green, Or whatever, w-why did you say that?" Jesus. Why did I always lose my cool around him?

"Because it's true." He said firmly. There was no wavering in his voice, he said it with confidence. I was still confused.

"Okay.... but, what did you mean by it?" I asked hesitantly. I looked him straight in the eyes this time.

Sasuke bit his lip and looked at the wall, then looked back at me. Sasuke let out a sigh and stepped towards me. I, on instinct, backed away until my body met the bathroom wall.

He was so close to me. If he took one more step, our bodies would be touching.

Sasuke slowly reached a hand up and placed it on the side of my face. Oh no. No no no. I need to get out of this situation before it escalates into something. I couldn't move tho. My body felt weak and still like I was a doll.

Sasuke stared into my blue eyes and I into his. Crap.

He leaned in a bit and stopped when our faces were very close. Shit.

His eyes were looking down on my lips and I watched as he bit the corner of his bottom lip. Fuck.

I could feel his breath and I could smell his sweet scent. It was all so surreal. Sasuke looked into my eyes once more before closing the gap between us.

My breath hitched as I felt his soft lips against mine. My heart quickened and it felt like little strings were tugging at my heart but it was like an alarm system in my mind shouting; WARNING! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU IDIOT!

But I ignored that part of my brain and kissed Sasuke back like an asshole. I didn't want to think about how much this would hurt Sai or how pissed off Sakura would be or how much I would hate myself after this. I just enjoyed the moment, the feeling of sasukes' lips against mine and his body now closely pressed against me.

I could feel his free hand running down my side and resting at my waist. I could feel his tongue lick my lips as I allowed him entrance into my mouth.

I felt everything so clearly like all my senses were heightened. His tongue pressed against mine as I I wrapped my arms around his neck.

By the time we pulled away from the kiss it was like my first time meeting oxygen. I breathed deeply and looked up at Sasuke who was staring at me with his lips slightly parted.

I blushed and pulled my arms back from around his neck and pushing him back slightly.

"This.. This is wrong." I said quietly. I waited, afraid of sasukes reply.

I heard him let out a grunt and looked up to see him with a serious look on his face.

He stepped closer to me once again and placed both hands on the wall by both sides of my face. He leaned his head down a bit to reach my level and whispered in my ear, "I will make you mine."

Sasuke moved back and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the bathroom and leaving me standing there against the wall, completely flustered.

I raised a hand and let my fingers gently grace my lips. I smiled. Even though I knew this was wrong and if I'm really feeling this way towards Sasuke, it's not right for me to be stringing Sai along.

Tomorrow we'll see. If Sasuke breaks up with Sakura, I'll break up with Sai. I'm not going to end my relationship with him if Sasuke is just messing with me.

I sure hope he's not though.

*wonk wonk* it's about time, right? Nyeh heh heh. Anyways, thanks again guys for reading this filth. Stay rad ^-^ ✌🏼️

A Part Of Me (Sasunaru AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora