Part 13

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I woke up with a knot in my stomach. A feeling of anxiousness and dread all mixed up together inside me. I wondered what would happen today. If things would be the same, or maybe somehow different, only just for the both of us. For me and him....

It was Monday today and the last thing I wanted to do was wake up. But the thought of seeing Sasuke again nudged me to lift myself out of bed and get ready.

Monday came way to quickly, the weekend was too short. It seemed like it only lasted a brief moment. All weekend Sai has been texting and calling. I only answered once when he asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine, that I just needed some time alone to sort stuff out. I didn't tell him what exactly it is that has been the center of my attention and worries, though I know that I should have. I shouldn't be lying to him like this over one measly kiss that only lasted about five seconds, and in reality, I know Sasuke and I could never hold together a relationship, let alone a romantic one.

And maybe I'm throwing away a good thing, giving it up for something dumb and pointless. But the heart wants what it wants. I decided that I need to talk to Sasuke... I just don't know when would be a good time to do that, if ever.

First period has barely started and I haven't seen Sasuke yet. Maybe he's not here. Maybe he got got hit by a truck and died of cardiac arrest. 'Jesus Christ Naruto, what the hell is wrong with you?' I thought to myself.

I have a habit of doing this thing. It kinda started some time after my dad had died. I come up with the worse possibilities for any situation, even small ones. It's like if I think of the worse possibility, and if something bad actually did happen, I wouldn't be so surprised and shocked. Like it would make it easier to handle and take in.

The class seems a bit dim, like the lights had darkened somehow and every one in the classroom is quiet. Which is strange because you don't see, or rather hear, that everyday.

I look a around the room and spin my pencil between my fingers.

Why is it so quiet? Everyone is acting as if someone died....

Iruka sensei finally walked into the classroom. Even iruka, the most cheerful person I know, seems sullen.

I stop spinning my pencil. And give all my attention to iruka sensei who sat his folders and books on his desk before standing front and center in front of the class.

Iruka folded his hands together in front of him. His eyes looked pained and his expression troubled.

"I'm afraid a sad tragedy has occurred here at our school." He began. Everyone's faces seemed to get more depressing with each word he spoke.

A tragedy... I knew. I already knew. I always expect the worse case scenario, now I'm just waiting to hear how bad it actually is.

"A freshman student committed suicide on campus last Friday after the football game."

Shit. I know so many people that go here, it could be anyone, it could one of my friends. It could be Sai. Or it could be...

"The student was identified as Haku."

Haku....... I remember him. He always seemed so happy... Why....

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